
Enhancing the Quality and Productivity of Higher Education - Unlocking the potential of the New Normal

Health and medicine
Society and economy

Meet Dr. Atsusi “2c” Hirumi in a webinar introducing him and his research on advancing evidenced-based education and the productivity of health professions education, such as the virtual patient simulation NERVE, that is now being used by medical schools across the US.

14 Jun 2022
12 May 2022
15:00 - 16:00
15:00 - 16:00
Online - Zoom link below

Dr. Atsusi “2c” Hirumi
Professor Kristian Bolin

Join the seminar through Zoom:

June 14, 2022, at 15.00:

Dr. Atsusi “2c” Hirumi.

No one can predict what the New Normal will look like. However, we can take steps to ensure the quality and productivity of our educational methods and materials.

For the past 30 years, Dr. Hirumi centered his teaching, research, and service on enhancing learning in online and hybrid learning environments. 

In recent years Dr. Hurumi has worked with the development of a Virtual Patient Simulation (VPS) titled NERVE – The Neurological Examination Rehearsal Virtual Environment. During the last year of the initiative, Dr. Hirumi led efforts to complete a series of iterative design studies, resulting in the latest version of NERVE that is now being used by medical schools across the US to help address gaps in clinical education due to COVID-19.

With the success of NERVE and collaboration with medical school faculty and students, Dr. Hirumi focused his research and development (R&D) on advancing evidenced-based education and the productivity of health professions education.

Sabbatical in Gothenburg, spring 2023

Join Kristian Bolin as he introduces Dr. Atsusi “2c” Hirumi to faculty, staff, students and administrators, and explains plans for his Sabbatical at the University of Gothenburg, in the spring of 2023.

Learn about Dr. Hirumi’s aims to (a) study best practices and innovations in healthcare and health professions education, (b) advance his research and development, and (c) establish dialog and collaboration.

For more information about Dr. Hirumi’s research and development, please see his bio and CV.