Cooking pot over fire
Photo from the project Midwinter solstice, that will be presented during the webinar.
Photo: Eva Maria Jernsand

Community building and inclusive tourism - through food events

Sustainability and environment
Culture and languages

In the premiere of the new seminar- and workshop series on design, tourism and place development we will zoom in on Dals Långed in Dalsland, Sweden. Dals Långed is a small rural community with urban and international features.

8 Dec 2020
12:00 - 13:00
Webinar on Zoom

Biba Sehovic Jelusic, Designer
Helena Kraff, Researcher
Eva Maria Jernsand, Researcher
Anders Lindgren, Mötesplats Steneby

In the premiere of the new seminar- and workshop series on design, tourism and place development we will zoom in on Dals Långed in Dalsland, Sweden. Dals Långed is a small rural community with urban and international features.

Designer Biba Sehovic Jelusic will present the innovative project Let´s eat together where community residents gather to cook and experience food from a number of different food cultures. Researchers Helena Kraff and Eva Maria Jernsand will present the food event Steneby Midwinter Solstice, which was conducted in collaboration with local entrepreneurs as part of the TiMS research project (Tourism in Multicultural Societies). The seminar ends with a discussion based on questions from seminar guests. The seminar is moderated by Anders Lindgren from Mötesplats Steneby.


12:00-12:05 Introduction to the seminar series by representatives from Centre for tourism and Business & Design Lab.
12:05-12:10 Moderator Anders Lindgren from Mötesplats Steneby introduces the seminar
12:10-12:25 Biba Sehovic Jelusic presents the project Let´s eat together
12:25-12:40 Helena Kraff and Eva Maria Jernsand present research connected to Steneby Midwinter solstice
12:40-12:55 Discussion moderated by Anders Lindgren
12:55-13:00 Wrap up and invitation to coming seminar

Organizers and presenters

The seminar is organized by the Centre for tourism and Business & Design Lab, both at University of Gothenburg. The purpose of the seminar- and workshop series is to achieve increased knowledge of and collaboration between actors who are at the intersection of design, tourism and place development. The series also intends to lead to new projects and constellations where actors from private and public organizations as well as teachers, researchers and students collaborate.

Centre for tourism

A cross disciplinary research platform that works in close collaboration with the tourism industry, which aims to initiate and support increased knowledge development and professionalisation within the tourism field.

Business & Design Lab

In Business and Design Lab, researchers with interest in interdisciplinary research in design, economics, artificial intelligence (AI) and technology meet. The aim is to foster dialogue between disciplines, and to understand and actively re-imagine the way we design our society and the economy.


TiMS takes stance from the democratic notions of diversity, equality and inclusiveness regarding place development and sustainable tourism, and aims to explore the role of tourism in multicultural societies. TiMS is financed by Formas.

Mötesplats Steneby

Mötesplats Steneby works with culture-driven community development and aims to make it possible to live and work in the countryside. Focus is placed on supporting ideas, collaborations and entrepreneurship linked to arts, design and crafts. Mötesplats Stenby is part of the Steneby shool foundation by mission of Region Västra Götaland.

Let´s eat together

The idea of the project is to connect people through food. It started with series of cooking evenings, where from the local community were invited to cook food together, exchange recipes and discover different food cultures.