
Book exhibition: To Hold Something Tightly

Culture and languages

For the third year in a row the second year at the bachelor programme of Photography invites you to an exhibition at Göteborgs litteraturhus in Gothenburg.

14 Jan 2022
15 Jan 2022
16 Jan 2022
17:00 - 21:00
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00

Nilo Paknia
Henrik Wejfeldt
Felicia Engstrøm
Jacob Aars
Liis Ring
Merlin-Jon Bresinski
Ronja Fridholm Engström
Adrian Christensen
Josefin Hardinger
Renée Allison
Sunniva Hestenes
Milla Flyger
Robin Iborn
Frida Lisa Jersø
Elina Johanna Heise
Thea Josefin Cedervall
Émilie Vesvre
Kristina Aurora Simonsen
Nadja Brečević
Hilda Blondie Tintin Randulv
Good to know
Vernissage: Friday January 14, 17.00-21.00
Opening Hours: Saturday January 15 and Sunday January 16, 10-17.00

Every year this exhibition is held as a closing event of the past trimesters' work about books. It’s been a process where we’ve been following each other with consultations from classmates and our teachers. The result is a book each. A total of 20 books with 20 participants.

With our warmest welcome we invite you to our book exhibition.