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- Mats Granath
Mats Granath
Senior Lecturer
Department of PhysicsAbout Mats Granath
Research Keywords: quantum error correction; stabilizer codes; quantum optimization algorithms; topological states; strongly correlated systems; high-temperature superconductivity; deep learning; deep reinforcement learning. web
Director - Complex Adaptive Systems master (N2CAS/MPCAS) at GU and Chalmers
Member - Committee for AI and Digitalization (SAID) at GU
Group leader at the Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT)
Scientific coordinator, Guest Researchers Program WACQT
Course engagements:
Open Online Course: AI and Professions
Introduktion till djup maskininlärning och förstärkningsinlärning
Advanced machine learning using neural networks
Introduction to artificial intelligence
Master thesis project proposal on machine learning and quantum computing, and geometric deep learning
Recent Master thesis projects:
Simulating quantum error correction in a small stabilizer code
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Quantum Error Correction
Quantum Models for Word- Sense Disambiguation
Quantum approximate optimization using SWAP gates for mixing
Quantum Error Correction Using Graph Neural Networks
Machine Learning Assisted Quantum Error Correction Using Scalable Neural Network Decoders
Tensor network based decoders for topological stabilizer codes with diverse qubit error rates
Quantum Error Correction using Variational Neural Annealing
Controlling Diffusion: Input-Output Mapping of the Components of a Diffusion Model as a Potential Approach for Enhanced Model Control
Decoding the surface code using graph neural networks
Data-driven decoding of the surface code using a neural matching decoder
Exact results on finite size corrections for surface codes tailored to biased
Yinzi Xiao, Basudha Srivastava, Mats Granath
Quantum - 2024 -
Applying quantum approximate optimization to the heterogeneous vehicle routing
David Fitzek, Toheed Ghandriz, Leo Laine, Mats Granath, Anton Frisk Kockum
Scientific Reports - 2024 -
Current benefits and future possibilities with digital field
Linda Cusumano, Orestis Farmakis, Mats Granath, Nilla Olsson, Robert Jockwer, Rasmus Rempling
Data-driven and production-oriented tendering design using artificial
Linda Cusumano, Rasmus Rempling, Robert Jockwer, Nilla Olsson, Mats Granath
IABSE Symposium Manchester 2024: Construction's Role for a World in Emergency - 2024 -
Systems engineering in the building construction industry: Comparison with the telecom
Linda Cusumano, Rasmus Rempling, Nilla Olsson, Robert Jockwer, Mats Granath
Procedia Computer Science - 2024 -
Colossal transverse magnetoresistance due to nematic superconducting phase fluctuations in a copper
Jonatan Wårdh, Mats Granath, Jie Wu, A.T. Bollinger, Xi He, Ivan Bozovic
PNAS nexus - 2023 -
Nematic single-component superconductivity and loop-current order from pair-density wave
Jonatan Wårdh, Mats Granath
Physical Review B Condensed Matter - 2023 -
The XYZ^2 hexagonal stabilizer
Basudha Srivastava, Anton Frisk Kockum, Mats Granath
Quantum - 2022 -
Error-rate-agnostic decoding of topological stabilizer
Karl Hammar, Alexei Orekhov, Patrik Wallin Hybelius, Anna Katariina Wisakanto, Basudha Srivastava, Anton Frisk Kockum, Mats Granath
Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics - 2022 -
Natural language processing as work support in project
Linda Cusumano, Rasmus Rempling, Robert Jockwer, R Saraiva, Mats Granath, Nilla Olsson, S Okozawa
Current Perspectives and New Directions in Mechanics, Modelling and Design of Structural Systems - 2022 -
Intelligent building contract tendering – potential and
Linda Cusumano, Ricardo Saraiva, Rasmus Rempling, Robert Jockwer, Nilla Olsson, Mats Granath
IABSE Symposium Prague 2022 - 2022 -
Unsupervised interpretable learning of topological indices invariant under permutations of atomic
Oleksandr Balabanov, Mats Granath
Machine Learning: Science and Technology - 2021 -
Deep Q-learning decoder for depolarizing noise on the toric
David Fitzek, Mattias Eliasson, Anton Frisk Kockum, Mats Granath
Physical Review Research - 2020 -
Unsupervised learning using topological data
Oleksandr Balabanov, Mats Granath
Quantum error correction for the toric code using deep reinforcement
Philip Andreasson, Joel Johansson, Simon Liljestrand, Mats Granath
Quantum - 2019 -
Structural Health Monitoring of RC structures using optic fiber strain measurements: a deep learning
Dimitrios Karypidis, Carlos Gil Berrocal, Rasmus Rempling, Mats Granath, Peter Simonsson
The Evolving Metropolis IABSE Congress New York City 2019 - 2019 -
Suppression of superfluid stiffness near a Lifshitz-point instability to finite-momentum
Jonatan Wårdh, Brian Andersen, Mats Granath
Physical Review B Condensed Matter - 2018 -
Effective model for a supercurrent in a pair-density
Jonatan Wårdh, Mats Granath
Physical Review B Condensed Matter - 2017 -
Diffusion and Localization of Relative Strategy Scores in The Minority
Mats Granath, Alvaro Perez-Diaz
Journal of statistical physics - 2016 -
Signatures of Coherent Electronic Quasiparticles in the Paramagnetic Mott
Mats Granath, Johan Schött
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics - 2014 -
Bilayer graphene spectral function in the random phase approximation and self-consistent GW
Andro Sabashvili, Stellan Östlund, Mats Granath
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics - 2013 -
Distributional exact diagonalization formalism for quantum impurity
Mats Granath, Hugo Strand
Physical Review B - 2012 -
Discretized thermal Green's
Mats Granath, Andro Sabashvili, Hugo Strand, Stellan Östlund
Annalen der Physik - 2012 -
Lattice expansion from isotope substitution in iron-based
Oleg Kim, Mats Granath
Physical Review B - 2011 -
The Dynamical Mean Field Theory phase space extension and critical properties of the finite temperature Mott
Hugo Strand, Andro Sabashvili, Mats Granath, Bo Hellsing, Stellan Östlund
Phys. Rev. B - 2011 -
Modeling a striped pseudogap
Mats Granath, Brian M. Andersen
Physical Review B - 2010 -
Two-magnon Raman scattering from the Cu3O4 layers in
Joakim Holmlund, Christopher S Knee, Jakob Andreasson, Mats Granath, Alexander Litvinchuk, Lars Börjesson
Physical Review B - 2009 -
Anharmonic softening of Raman active phonons in iron-pnictides: Estimating the Fe isotope effect due to anharmonic
Mats Granath, Johan Bielecki, Joakim Holmlund, Lars Börjesson
Physical Review B - 2009 -
Fermi momentum resolved charge order for spin disordered
Mats Granath
Physical Review B - 2008 -
Exact Transformation for Spin-Charge Separation of Spin-half Fermions without
Stellan Östlund, Mats Granath
Physical Review Letters - 2006 -
Nodal-antinodal dichotomy and magic doping fractions in a stripe ordered
Mats Granath
Physical Review B - 2006 -
Band structure of charge-ordered doped
Mats Granath
Physical Review B - 2004