
Maggie Oneill

Doctoral Student

Unit for General Didactics and Pedagogic Work
Visiting address
Läroverksgatan 15
41120 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

About Maggie Oneill

I am in my final year as a PhD student in educational work. I am generally interested in critical approaches to educational research and am interested in problematizing taken for granted notions in education, educational work and educational research.

I have a MS in International and Comparative Education from Stockholm University (2019). My thesis problematized the peace discourse that was created in educational material from World’s Largest Lesson. Through a transnational feminist critical discourse analysis of discussions of violence, I argued that the educational material creates a version of peace that is decontextualized, dehistoricized, depoliticized, privileges individuals, and maintains the status quo.


Drawing on educational theory and abolitionism, my current research project problematizes and imagines beyond carceral logics in the school to explore educational possibilities. My dissertation is a theoretical inquiry into the educational implications of and beyond carceral logics.

I am active in the KRUF (Kritisk utbildningsforskning/Critical Education Research) environment (Gothenburg University). I am also active in the research group Philosophical and Critical Studies in Education (Stockholm University).

Pronouns: (she/they)