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- Joel Speerstra
Joel Speerstra
Senior Lecturer
Classical Music and Church Music-
Johann Kuhnau: a Maker of Emblem Books, a presentation as part of the Göteborg University Conference Ludo ad Alludo: Exploring Emblematic Techniques in 17th- and 18th-century Keyboard Music, 19th of October
Joel Speerstra
Ludo ad Alludo conference at Jonsered manor, organized by Göteborg University and the Göteborg International Organ Academy - 2024 -
Keynote: “Dynamic Music” an invited lecture for the international conference Interfacing the Organ at the Orgelpark in Amsterdam, June
Joel Speerstra
Orgelpark in Amsterdam, June 5–7. - 2024 -
“Johann Kuhnau: a Maker of Musical Emblems,” invited conference paper at Énigmes, canons, allégories dans la musique
Joel Speerstra
the department of musicology Sorbonne Université, Paris, June 13–14. - 2024 -
“Johann Kuhnau and the serio
Joel Speerstra
Presentation at the Bach Network’s 11th Johann Sebastian Bach Dialog Meeting, Cambridge, July 7–10. - 2024 -
XXXII Smarano Early Keyboards Academy
Ulrika Davidsson, Joel Speerstra
Smarano, TN, Italien, 25 juli-5 augusti 2024, Konsert 240731 - 2024 -
Duoklaver i Sommarkväll. Konsert i Laholms
Ulrika Davidsson, Joel Speerstra
Laholms kyrka, 240821 - 2024 -
Duomusik på Claviorganum. Konsert i Tyska
Ulrika Davidsson, Joel Speerstra
Tyska kyrkan, Göteborg, 240919 - 2024 -
From Gertraudt Christine Müller’s
Christina Ekström, Joel Speerstra
Christiansfeld, Danmark, Brødremenigheden, 13/5 2022 - 2022 -
A Claviorganum for Göteborg
Joel Speerstra
ISO Journal: the Magazine of the International Society of Organbuilders - 2020 -
An Emblem Book Fit for an Emperor: Exploring Georg Muffat’s Apparatus
Joel Speerstra
The Cerman Christnae Church, Göteborg - 2020 -
“Bach, Chopin, and the affordances of keyboard instruments during the long eighteenth
Joel Speerstra
Bach and Chopin: Baroque Traditions in the Music of the Romantics - 2019 -
Två konsert presentationer av experiment med musik för klavikord och röst. 1. “A sentimental Journey Rapport från resa i utforskande av sentimentalitet i repertoar för en röst och klavikord ” 2. ”Lieder für das Herz; Känsla och känslouttryck i musikalisk repertoar för en röst och
Christina Ekström, Joel Speerstra
1. Lecture-recital: inom säsongprogrammet, HSM 8/4 2019 2. Lecture-recital: Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek, 18/3 2019 - 2019 -
A new claviorgan for Göteborg
Joel Speerstra, Magnus Kjellson
The Organ Yearbook - 2019 -
Devotional Dialogue: Exploring the Musical Repertoire for Solo Voice and Clavichord from Reformation
Christina Ekström, Joel Speerstra
Celebrating Lutheran Music: Scholarly perspectives at the Quincentenary - 2019 -
Singing at the Clavichord: Interpretative aspects of repertoire from Brødremenigheden in
Christina Ekström, Joel Speerstra
The 6th Bethlehem, Conference on Moravian History and Music, (Bethlehem, PA, USA) - 2018 -
The Notation of Meter and Tempo ca. 1620–1670: Theory and
Alexander Silbiger, Johan Norrback, Joel Speerstra, Ralph Locke
GOArt Publications 4 - 2018 -
The Art of Fugue (BWV 1080) at the
Joel Speerstra, Ulrika Davidsson
June 7, 2018, At the International Orgelpark in cooperation with the Dutch Clavichord Society: “Clavichord & Organ: Companions for Centuries” July 15, 2018, As a lecture-recital at the 18th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music in Cremona, Italy October 18, 2018, At the Göteborg International Organ Academy at the Academy of Music and Drama, GU. - 2018 -
Apollo and the
Joel Speerstra
May 28, 2018, At the Nordic Historical Keyboard Festival, Kuopio Finland June 15, 2018, At the Waldkirche in Timmendorfer Strand – Lübeck August 25, 2018, At the the Basilica SS Martiri di Sanzeno as part of the 2018 Smarano International Organ Academy. - 2018 -
The 'essentially' feminine - a mapping through artistic practice of the feminine territory offered by Early Modern
Katarina A. Karlsson, Ulf Axberg, Gunilla Gårdfeldt, Christopher Hull, Joel Speerstra
2018 -
Devotional dialogue: Exploring the Musical Repertoire for Solo Voice and Clavichord from Reformation
Christina Ekström, Joel Speerstra
Lutheran Music Culture Conference, Department of Musicology, Uppsala University, 14-16 September 2017 - 2017 -
Devotional dialogue: Exploring the Musical Repertoire for Solo Voice and Clavichord from Reformation
Christina Ekström, Joel Speerstra
Göteborg International Organ Academy 2017 - 2017 -
Bach, Chopin and the Affordances of Keyboard Instruments in the Long Eighteenth
Joel Speerstra
Fryderek Chopin Institute International Conference, Sept 1-3: Baroque traditions in the music of the Romantics during the first half of the nineteenth century - 2017 -
Playing around with Bach’s Violin Works at the Clavichord: exploring a tradition of keyboard improvisation in
Joel Speerstra
Friday May 26, 2017 14:00 Kuopio, Finland as a replacement performer for Wim Winters at The Nordic Historical Keyboard Festival Friday June 16 2017 19:00 Nässjö gamla kyrka as part of the Orgeldagar på Höglandet Festival. Thursday August 10, 2017 18:30 and 20:30 As part of the “Milano arte Musica 2017” festival in the Chiesa di Santa Maria della Passione. Friday August 18, 2017 18:00 Waldkirche zu Timmendorf Strand, Lübeck. Wednesday October 25, 2017 13:00 As a performance for pedal clavichord as a part of the Göteborg International Organ Academy, 2017. - 2017 -
"Böhm at
Joel Speerstra
Göteborg International Organ Academy, September 13, 2012, Artisten, Ohlinsalen - 2012 -
Leipzig and Eisenach: A Comparison of the two extant clavichords with independent 16-foot
Joel Speerstra
Brauchli, B., Alberto Galazzo, and Judith Wardmen. (eds). De clavicordio X: proceedings of theX International Clavichord Symposium: atti del X congresso internazionale sul clavicordo: Magnano, 6-10 September, 2011 - 2012 -
Bernardo Pasquini's cuckoo. An opera for keyboard in one
Joel Speerstra
Atti Pasquini Symposium. Convegno internazionale – Smarano, 27–30 maggio 2010 - 2012 -
Joel Speerstra
Tolv toner - 2012 -
The Collapse Project: corrosion of organ pipes - causes and
Joel Speerstra
2011 -
Skådespel vid klaveret - om klavikordet, musiken och
Joel Speerstra
Kyrkomusikernas Tidning - 2011 -
Joel Speerstra
Bach and the Art of Improvisation - 2011 -
"Einen guten Flügel und auch ein gutes Clavicord haben": some reflections on the importance of keyboard-instrument
Joel Speerstra
Muzikološki zbornik [Musicological Annual] - 2011 -
"...the world in a skater's silence before
Joel Speerstra
2010 -
Clavichord recital for Smarano International Organ Academy,
Joel Speerstra
2009 -
Clavichord recital in the city-sponsored Milano Arte Musica series, Milan,
Joel Speerstra
2009 -
Participation in opening organ recital of GIOA 2009,
Joel Speerstra
2009 -
Solo clavichord recital for GIOA in Artisten’s Organ Hall,
Joel Speerstra
2009 -
Pedal clavichord recital for Leufsta bruk International Organ Academy, Uppland,
Joel Speerstra
2009 -
Pedal clavichord recital for the Copenhagen Organ Festival,
Joel Speerstra
2009 -
Daniel's Maier's ivory organ: An emblem for a Protestant
Joel Speerstra
The Organ Yearbook - 2009 -
Italian Baroque Organ Showcase Recital “Musical Pictures from the High Baroque” at the Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester,
Joel Speerstra
2008 -
Organ and pedal clavichord recital for Leufsta bruk International Organ Academy, Uppland,
Joel Speerstra
2008 -
Duet organ recital in Örgryte New Church with Magnus Kjellson for GIOA, International Messaien
Joel Speerstra
2008 -
Clavichord recital for Smarano International Organ Academy,
Joel Speerstra
2008 -
Pedal clavichord recital for sixth international harpsichord festival in Tallin,
Joel Speerstra
2008 -
Opening a Window on the Enlightenment: A Research Organ for the Eastman School of
Joel Speerstra
Keyboard Perspectives - 2008 -
The Casparini Research Project: a new organ for the Eastman School of
Joel Speerstra
BIOS Journal - 2008 -
Harpsichord organ and clavichord recital for GIOA, International Buxtehude
Joel Speerstra
2007 -
Clavichord recital for Smarano International Organ Academy,
Joel Speerstra
2007 -
Organ recital in TJällmo Church, Tjällmo,
Joel Speerstra
2007 -
Pedal clavichord recital for British Clavichord Society, Lewes,
Joel Speerstra
2007 -
Pedal clavichord recital for University of Bristol,
Joel Speerstra
2007 -
The organ in the Arnö church,
Niclas Fredriksson, Joel Speerstra, Robin Blanton
2007 -
The Medåker organ in the Nordic Museum,
Niclas Fredriksson, Joel Speerstra, Robin Blanton
2007 -
Pedal clavichord recital at Oberlin Conservatory,
Joel Speerstra
2006 -
Clavichord recital with new works commissioned for International Lindholm Conference Musikmuseet, Stockholm,
Joel Speerstra
2006 -
solo and duet Mozart clavichord recital for GIOA, Göteborg,
Joel Speerstra
2006 -
Clavichord recital for Smarano International Organ Academy,
Joel Speerstra
2006 -
Pedal clavichord recital for Arctic Organ Festival, Övertorneå,
Joel Speerstra
2006 -
Organ and pedal clavichord recital for International Organ Festival in Riga,
Joel Speerstra
2006 -
Organ and pedal clavichord recital for Leufstabruk International Organ Academy,
Joel Speerstra
2006 -
The Compenius Organ: An Alchemical Wedding of Sound and
Joel Speerstra
Johnson, C. (ed). Orphei organi antiqui, Essays in Honor of Harald Vogel - 2006 -
Organ recital at the Royal Palace Chapel, Stockholm,
Joel Speerstra
2005 -
Pedal clavichord recital Westminster College,
Joel Speerstra
2005 -
Pedal clavichord recital Jonsereds Herrgård,
Joel Speerstra
2005 -
Clavichord recital for Recital for Smarano International Organ Academy,
Joel Speerstra
2005 -
Organ and pedal clavichord recital for Leufstabruk International Organ Academy,
Joel Speerstra
2005 -
Les sonates en trio de J.S. Bach ont-elles été écrites pour le clavicorde à
Joel Speerstra
Jean-Sébastien Bach et ses fils - 2005 -
Organ and harpsichord recital Eastern Michigan University,
Joel Speerstra
Organ and harpsichord recital Eastern Michigan University, MI - 2004 -
Organ Recital for GIOA, Örgryte New Church, Göteborg,
Joel Speerstra
2004 -
Organ and harpsichord recital Eastman School of Music,
Joel Speerstra
2004 -
Organ fortepiano clavichord and harpsichord recital at Russell Collection of Historical Instruments at Edinburgh
Joel Speerstra
2004 -
Organ and Clavichord Recital for Smarano International Organ Academy,
Joel Speerstra
2004 -
Clavichord recital for Leufstabruk International Organ Academy, Uppland,
Joel Speerstra
2004 -
Bach and the pedal clavichord: an organist's
Joel Speerstra
2004 -
Were J. S. Bach’s Trio Sonatas Written for the Pedal
Joel Speerstra
BIOS Journal - 2004 -
Geometrische Konstruktionsprinzipien in Johann David Gerstenbergs
Joel Speerstra, Ibo Ortgies
Fundament aller clavirten Instrumenten, das Clavichord : Symposium im Rahmen der 26. Tage Alter Musik in Herne 2001 - 2003 -
The Stop Boards, Stop Names, and Stop
Joel Speerstra, Paul Peeters, Allan Fagerlund
Speerstra, J. (ed). The North German Organ Research Project at Göteborg University - 2003 -
Measuring The Gerstenberg Pedal Clavichord: A Detective
Joel Speerstra
Jullander, S. (ed). GOArt research reports 3 - 2003 -
An Introduction to the North German Organ research
Joel Speerstra
Speerstra, J. (ed). The North German Organ Research Project at Göteborg University - 2003 -
The North German Organ Research Project at Göteborg
Joel Speerstra
2003 -
The organ as scrying glass: images from the organ reform
Joel Speerstra
Snyder, K. J. (ed). The organ as a mirror of its time: north European reflections, 1610-2000 - 2002 -
Two Mid-18th-Century Swedish Clavichords: A Professional Instrument by an Amateur Builder and an Amateur Instrument by a Professional
Joel Speerstra
Brauchli, B., Galazzo, A. & Moody, I. (eds). De clavicordio V: proceedings of the V International Clavichord Symposium: atti del V congresso internazionale sul clavicordo: Magnano, 5-8 September, 2001 - 2002 -
Bach, the pedal clavichord, and the
Joel Speerstra
2000 -
Documenting a clavichord by Lindholm and Söderström, and a brief history of Swedish
Joel Speerstra, Lance Whitehead
Brauchli, B., Brauchli, S. & Galazzo, A. (eds). De clavicordio IV : proceedings of the 4th International Clavichord Symposium : atti del IV congresso internazionale sul clavicordo : Magnano, 8-11 September, 1999 - 2000 -
Some questions about clavichord
Joel Speerstra
Jullander, S. (ed). GOArt research reports vol 1 - 1999 -
The Pedal Clavichord as a Pedagogical Tool for
Joel Speerstra
Brauchli, B., Brauchli, S. & Galazzo, A. (eds). De clavicordio III : proceedings of the III International clavichord symposium = atti del III Congresso internazionale sul clavicordo: Magnano, 24-28 September 1997 - 1997 -
Towards an identification of the clavichord repertoire among C. P. E. Bach's solo keyboard music: some preliminary
Joel Speerstra
Brauchli, B., Brauchli, S. & Galazzo, A. (eds). De clavicordio II : proceedings of the International Clavichord Symposium: atti del Congresso internazionale sul clavicordo: Magnano, 21-23 September 1995 - 1995