
Tobias Jansson

Senior Lecturer

Department of Social Work
Visiting address
Sprängkullsgatan 25
41123 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 720
40530 Göteborg

About Tobias Jansson


– BA in Social work, department of social work, Gothenburg university

– MA in Social work, department of social work, Gothenburg university

– PhD in social work, department of social work, Gothenburg university

– Previously active as social worker within the social services.


In the spring of 2023 I defended my dissertation Who gets to stay? On Political Problem Representations of the Right to stay in Sweden 1936–1989. In this study, which is based on a genealogical approach, I analyze changes concerning the right to stay during the period 1936–1989, to make visible assumptions and conditions that underlie a contemporary understanding of this right. This concretely means analyzing the problem representations that precede changes in immigration legislation and related government guidelines, the assumptions on which these are based, as well as the effects in the form of technologies of government that follow from different problem representations. The empirical data comprises 13 government reports and government bills published between 1936–1989.


– Research plattform focusing social exclusion och control within the department of social work, Gothenburg university.

– Research network Migration Integration och Socialt work (MIOS).

– National research network Socialt work och migration.