
Mona Ringdal


Institutionen för vårdvetenskap och hälsa
Arvid Wallgrens backe hus 1 O 2
41346 Göteborg
Box 457
40530 Göteborg

Om Mona Ringdal

Professor PhD CCRN MS Institute of Health and Care Sciences Sahlgrenska Academy at the UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, Kungälvs hospital Postal Address: Box 457, SE 40530 Gothenburg, SWEDEN Phone +46317866091 (office) 0766186091 mona.ringdal@fhs.gu.se www.caresci.gu.se

Current position: Professor and Excellent teacher and Senior Lecture, Director of Studies at the Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, with adjunct position as Critical care nurse at Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, Kungälvs hospital.

Summary Biographical Statement Mona Ringdal RN, MN, PhD is Professor at the Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, With an adjunct position as Critical Care Nurse, Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, Kungälvs hospital, Sweden. She is the Director of studies for postgraduate students in the PhD programme from 1th February 2018. Mona work as a course convener and examiner in Critical Care Nursing postgraduate level. Between 2015-18 She held the position as Director of postgraduate nursing program in: Anesthetic, Theater and Critical Care and District nursing as well as for a Master programme in nursing. In 2015, the Critical Care programme Mona convenes was the only one out of 47 Critical Care programme in Sweden to be ranked as Excellent by the Swedish Higher Education authority. After completing her dissertation, “Memories and Health Related Quality of Life - in patients with trauma cared for in the Intensive Care Unit” in 2008 Mona held a visiting postdoctoral fellowship at Griffith University, Australia in four month where she continued her research in trauma recovery. She has several ongoing projects with involving international collaboration. Mona pursues a number of research interests. These relate to; (1) critical care patients’ memories and recovery from critical illness, for which she has achieved several awards, (2) exploration of the experiences of and conditions for patients during and after intensive care, (3) evaluating and exploring patients’ health during recovery from critical illness, (4) patient safety during transport of critical care patients and (5) patient participation in acute care (collaboration with Griffith University) 5) weaning from mechanical ventilation (collaboration with Canadian researcher) 6) communication in Critical Care with a drama pedagogic approach supported from ERASMUS+ in collaboration with Griffith university. (7) A recent pedagogic project is an online simulation project in collaboration with Calgary University Canada and Griffith University Australia. Mona uses quantitative and qualitative methodologies and she has published widely in peer-reviewed international journals as well as contributed a chapter in the 2012 and 2014 2th and 3th edition of the Australian College of Critical Care Nurse’s (ACCCN) textbook on respiratory assessment and monitoring. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau in Sweden and the Swedish Critical Care Nurses Association (IVAN). She work in a national group to establish Critical Care Nurses competencies in Sweden. In her adjunct position as Critical Care Nurse and researcher she is responsible for research and development at the Anaesthesiology department at the hospital.

Specialization: Intensive Care Nursing with special interest in patients’ experience and recovery from Intensive Care. Teaching in Critical Care