"Make Your Own Passport” nätverk
Sedan 2018 har konstnären och forskaren Dr. Tintin Wulias konstprojekt "Make Your Own Passport" (2014-) engagerat CGM:s samarbetsnätverk. Projektet involverar en serie workshops i offentliga utrymmen som syftar till att främja ett livslångt lärande om medborgarskap.
Beskrivning på engelska
“Make Your Own Passport” (2014-) is a workshop series in public spaces providing access to lifelong learning on citizenship.It is run by artist and researcher Dr Tintin Wulia, CGM’s former Postdoctoral Fellow. MYOP´s topic is migration, citizenship and statelessness. Its methodology is material and participatory. It actively engages participants in an intimate discussion via a tangible process with an iconic object of the border: the passport. Participants spend time, create and make, while exchanging thoughts, with material output to be taken home. An MYOP participant in Southside Chicago, IL in the wake of Trump’s election in 2016, explained the unique learning opportunity: “Talking about our views of the world drew each of us, all very different people, together organically.”
Since 2018, MYOP has been forging CGM’s collaborative network.
Network member Dr Sally Windsor, Course Leader of GU’s MA in Education for Sustainable Development and the program’s council member with special responsibility for questions of citizenship and social sustainability, focuses on how “Make Your Own Passport” (MYOP) can build capacity of educators and transform learning environments.
Catherine Gillo Nilsson, Coordinator of GU’s widening access and participation in higher education program, leads the participation of GU student facilitators in connection with the university's Student Ambassadors program, and works to incorporate MYOP workshops in other collaborations.
MYOP’s network in Västra Götaland County comprises individual researchers and facilitators including people currently seeking asylum, the self-organised new migrant organisation Support Group Network with its Vänersborg Intercultural Centre, youths and teachers in Schillerska gymnasiet, the art institution Vänersborg Konsthall working with Birgersjöberg gymnasiet, and GU’s HDK-Valand – Academy of Art and Design, Department of Pedagogical, Curricular and Professional Studies, as well as the Widening Access and Participation Program. Network members representing these organisations are Bilal Almobarak, Inam Alghoul, Lisa Palm, Kajsa Frostensson, Märta Cassel, Tintin Wulia, Sally Windsor, Marta Segura Hudson, and Catherine Gillo Nilsson.