Science Faculty Magazine
Science Faculty Magazine is all about the education, research and cooperation that is being conducted at the Faculty of Science and Technology
years have now passed since Professor Kerstin Johannesson first re-introduced sea snails to a skerry, and they have been evolving quickly ever since.
Biologists have used the term ‘DNA sequencing’ to identify species for more than a decade. Until now, researchers have selected a single site in the DNA that is typical of the species, but the development of DNA sequencing now means that entirely new species can be identified.
Issue 1 2024
- The cell holds important answers
- She hopes to encourage seafood consumption
- Film goes into depth on shallow bays
- Wants to make a difference
- “I like that we try to help costumers”
- Closer look: The invisible threat
- Five questions for Andrea Rauda Ardon
- Sustainable development goals: 3 GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING
Issue 2 2023
- Studying old methods for future sustainable construction
- An ocean of opportunities
- A passion for historical objects
- The tree’s calendar helps climate researchers
- ”We need to understand what’s under our feet”
- Opening the doors to the future of research
- Closer look: Smaller than small
- Five questions for Felix Steinbrecher...
- Sustainable development goals: MARINE AND COASTAL BIODIVERSITY
Issue 1 2023
- He investigates alternatives to clear-felling
- Our groundwater is threatened by many different contaminants
- Fewer and better animal experiments best for all
- Closer look: Our native bee is being out-competed
- Eureka! The camera that can capture the briefest moments
- Five questions for Chiara Fasoli...
- Protecting intellectual property rights
- She is looking for answers about ageing
Issue 2 2022
Camilla Persson +46 31 786 9869 camilla.persson@science.gu.se
- Erika Hoff
- Olof Lönnehed
- Linnéa Magnusson
- Tanja Thompson
The Faculty Office of Science and Technology, University of Gothenburg Box 466, SE-405 30 Göteborg, Sweden
Visiting address: Medicinaregatan 7 B, 413 90 Göteborg
E-mail: info@science.gu.se