Göteborgs universitet

Litteraturlista Tidigmodern queerlitteratur

I kursen läses tidigmodern (cirka 1500–1750) queerlitteratur från England, Frankrike, Spanien, spanska Amerika och Italien.

Kärlek och begär, kropp och makt, normer och överskridande samt likhet och skillnad är teman som präglar primärlitteraturen. Sekundärlitteraturen historierar tidigmodern sexualitet, diskuterar centrala frågeställningar inom tidigmoderna queerstudier och introducerar queera lässtrategier.

Examination sker genom en cento som består av rader från minst fyra primärkällor, samt en uppsats om ca 6–8 sidor som diskuterar ett vetenskapligt problem med utgångspunkt i centon. 

Primärlitteratur ca 620 s; sekundärlitteratur ca 920 s. 
TK = textkompendium. 
Om ej annat anges köpes eller lånas litteraturen (det mesta finns tillgängligt via universitetsbiblioteket).


Poesi (ca 70 s)

  • Behn, Aphra, ”To the Fair Clorinda”, ”The Disappointment”,  i Marie H. Loughlin (red.), Same-Sex Desire in Early Modern England 1550–1735. An Anthology of Literary Texts and Contexts (Manchester: 2014).
  • Chudleigh, Mary, ”The Choice”, i Marie H. Loughlin (red.), Same-Sex Desire in Early Modern England 1550–1735. An Anthology of Literary Texts and Contexts (Manchester, 2014).
  • Cruz, Juana, Inés de la, dikter från Inundación castálida, i Poems, Protest, and a Dream. Selected Writings by Juana Inés de la Cruz, övers. Margaret Sayers Peden (London, 1997) (TK)
  • Donne, John, ”Sappho to Philaenis”, i Kenneth Borris (red.), Same-Sex Desire in the English Renaissance. A Sourcebook (London, 2004); dikter till Thomas Woodward, i Marie H. Loughlin (red.), Same-Sex Desire in Early Modern England 1550–1735. An Anthology of Literary Texts and Contexts (Manchester, 2014).
  • Forteguerri, Laudomia, sonetter till Margareta av Parma, i Kenneth Borris (red.), Same-Sex Desire in the English Renaissance. A Sourcebook (London, 2004).
  • Michelangelo, sonetter till Tommaso de Cavalieri, i Michelangelo. Life, Letters, Poetry, övers. George Bull (Oxford, 1999) (TK).
  • Philips, Katherine, dikter till Lucasia, i Poems by the Most Deservedly Admired Mrs. Katherine Philips, the matchless Orinda (London, 1667) (Tillgänglig via Early English Books Online).
  • Anonym, The Sappho-An, i Marie H. Loughlin (red.), Same-Sex Desire in Early Modern England 1550–1735. An Anthology of Literary Texts and Contexts (Manchester, 2014).
  • Tyard, Pontus de, ”Elegie pour une dame enamourée d’une autre dame”, i Kenneth Borris (red.), Same-Sex Desire in the English Renaissance. A Sourcebook (London, 2004).
  • Wilmot, John, earl of Rochester, ”Love to a Woman? You’re an Ass”, ”Nestor”, ”The Post Boy”, i Marie H. Loughlin (red.), Same-Sex Desire in Early Modern England 1550–1735. An Anthology of Literary Texts and Contexts (Manchester, 2014)

Dramatik (ca 400 s)

  • Caro, Ana, The Courage to Right a Woman’s Wrongs [Valor, agravio y mujer], över. UCLA working group (Newark, 2001). 
  • Cavendish, Margaret The Convent of Pleasure, i Plays, never before printed written by the [...] Princesse the Duchess of Newcastle (London, 1668) (Tillgänglig via Early English Books Online).
  • Lyly, John, Gallathea, As it was playde before the Queenes Maiestie at Greene-wiche (London, 1592) (Tillgänglig via Early English Books Online)
  • Shakespeare, William, valfri pjäs i valfri utgåva eller Christopher Marlowe, The Troublesome Raigne and Lamentable Death of Edward the Second, King of England with the Tragicall Fall of Proud Mortimer (London, 1594) (Tillgänglig via Early English Books Online).

Prosa (ca 150 s)

  • Hall, Joseph, ”Booke Two. The Description of Viragina/Shee-landt”, i The Discouery of a New World or A Description of the South Indies Hetherto vnknowne by an English Mercury, (London, 1613) (Tillgänglig via Early English Books Online).
  • Haywood, Eliza, The Rash Resolve, or the untimely discovery (London, 1724) (Tillgänglig via Google books).


Orientering (ca 770 s)

  • Bray, Alan, ”The Body of the Friend”, i The Friend (Chicago, 2004), 30 s. 
  • Ferguson, Gary, ”Androgynes, Hermaphrodites & Courtesans. Women, Queer Nature, and (Queer?) Pleasures”, i Queer (Re)Readings in the French Renaissance: Homosexuality, Gender, Culture (New York, 2016), 48 s.
  • Lanser, Susan, The Sexuality of History. Modernity and the Sapphic, 1565–1830 (Chicago, 2014), 258 s.  
  • Traub, Valerie, Thinking Sex with the Early Moderns (Philadelphia, 2016), 324 s. 
  • Vernardo, Cristine, “Introduction. Reading for Desire” & “Lost Worlds, Lost Selves. Queer Colonial Melancholia”, i The Shapes of Fancy. Reading for Queer Desire in Early Modern Literature (Minneapolis, 2020), 110 s.

Fördjupning (totalt ca 150 valda utifrån intresse. Nedan följer ett antal förslag, men annat kan väljas i samråd med lärare)

  • Bowen, Scarlet, ”Queering the Sexual Impasse in Seventeenth-Century ‘Imperfect Enjoyment’ Poetry”, GLQ 19:1, 2013.
  • Eisenbichler, Konrad, ”Laudomia Forteguerri Loves Margaret of Austria”, i Francesca Canadé Sautman & Pamela Sheingorn (red.), Same Sex Love and Desire Among Women in the Middle Ages (New York, 2001).
  • Hammond, Paul, ”Figuring Sex Between Men” eller ”Rochester and Restoration Homoeroticism”, i Figuring Sex Between Men from Shakespeare to Rochester (Oxford, 2011).
  • Ingrassia, Catherine, ”Queering Eliza Haywood”, Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies 14:4, 2014.
  • Loscocco, Paula, ”You Who in Your Selves Do Comprehend All. Notes Towards a Study of Queer Union in Katherine Philips and John Milton”, Women’s Writing 23:4, 2016.
  • Menon, Mahdavi, Shakesqueer. A Queer Companion to the Complete Works of Shakespeare (Durhamn, 2011). Förslagsvis ett kapitel som korresponderar till en vald Shakepearepjäs.
  • Moore, Lisa L., ”A Lesbian History of the Sonnet”, Critical Enquiry 43:4, 2017.
  • Perry, Mary Elizabeth, ”From Convent to Battlefield. Cross-Dressing and Gendering the Self in the New World of Imperial Spain”, i Josiah Blackmore & Gregory S. Hutcheson (red.), Queer Iberia. Sexualities, Cultures & Crossings from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance (Durham, 1999). 
  • Powell, Amanda, ”Passionate Advocate. Sor Juana, Feminism, and Sapphic Loves”, i Emilie L. Bergman & Stacey Schlau (red.), The Routledge Research Companion to the Works of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (London, 2017).
  • Traub, Valerie, Badir, Patricia & McCracken, Peggy (red.), Ovidian Transversions. Iphis & Ianthe, 1350–1650 (Edinburgh, 2019), kap. 1, 6–8 (om Lyly’s Galathea).
  • Sanchez, Melissa E., ”No Past? Theology, Race, and Queer Theory’s Authorized Genealogies”, i Queer Faith. Reading Promiscuity and Race in the Secular Love Tradition (New York, 2019).
  • Stanivukovic, Goran & Goodwin, Adrian, ”Gaveston in Ireland. Christopher Marlow’s Edward II and the Casting of Queer Brotherhood”, Textual Practice 31:2, 2017.
  • Vollendorf, Lisa, ”The Value of Female Friendship in Seventeenth-Century Spain”, Texas Studies in Literature and Language 47:4.
  • West, William N., ”Thinking with the Body. Sappho's "Sappho to Philaenis", Donne's "Sappho to Philaenis"”, Renaissance Papers, 1994.
  • Traub, Valerie, ”The (in)significance of Lesbian Desire” eller ”Friendship so Curst. Amor Imposibilis, the Homoerotic Lament, and the Nature of Lesbian Desire”, i The Renaissance of Lesbianism in in Early Modern England (Cambridge, 2002).