Award-winning articles by information systems researchers
At the International Conference of IS 2024, several awards were presented to researchers from the Department of Applied IT.
The "basket journals" are considered to be the eleven most prestigious international journals in the field of information systems. By publishing research articles in these journals, researchers at the University of Gothenburg have, together with colleagues from other universities, qualified for, and won, awards at an international conference in the field held in Thailand in the autumn of 2024.
Sirkka Jarvenpaa and Lisen Selander co-authored the article "Between Scale and Impact: Member Prototype Ambiguity in Digital Transformation" and received a high commendation for the prestigious Stafford Beer Medal. This award is given to the top three papers of the year in European Journal of Information Systems.
Juho Lindman, Jukka Makinen, and Eero Kasanen co-authored the article "Big Tech's power, political corporate social responsibility and regulation," which was selected as the winner of the Best Paper Prize for 2023 by Journal of Information Technology (JIT).
On the right
The professors Lisen Selander and Juho Lindman, University of Gothenburg

Related links
Stafford Beer Medal
Article: Between Scale and Impact: member prototype ambiguity in digital transformation
Journal of Information Technology Best Paper Prize
Article: Big Tech's power, political corporate social responsibility and regulation