The majority of CERGU's publications are available for free download. If you would like to order a hard copy of one of our publications, please contact us.
Researchers in the CERGU network publish their research results mainly in scientific journals and books. CERGU shares this information on the website and on social media. CERGU also helps to disseminate research results in the following ways:
-The CERGU Working Paper (WP) series which provides digital open access to work-in-progress research papers.
-The CERGU book series ‘Forskning om Europafrågor’ (Research on European Affairs), which has two kinds of books: 1) the annual book published on the theme of each year’s public European Research Day, and 2) books on specific European topics, with a narrower research focus.
CERGU can offer publishing support for researchers, such as help with proofreading, funding to print books, open access publishing, and help with applying for grants to cover publication costs.