University of Gothenburg

Access our services and support

We offer researchers a wide range of support in bioinformatics and statistics - from short term consultancy to long term project support, sequencing and training.

Research project consultancy

Research support services

Training support

Acknowledging our contributions to your research

If you are presenting the results from any of the provided analysis in a paper, at a workshop or a conference, we require you to acknowledge our service/support.

We encourage our staff to be co-authors when it is merited in accordance with the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) guidelines on authorship.

For sequencing services

  • If only sequencing services were provided, include the following under the Acknowledgements section:

    The authors would like to acknowledge Clinical Genomics Gothenburg, Science for Life Laboratory, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, and Center for Medical Genomics, Department of Clinical Genetic and Genomics, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden, for providing sequencing and bioinformatic assistance.
  • If a method was developed or modified to your needs during our sequencing services, include the expert(s) responsible for the development as a co-author:

    Expert’s_name, Clinical Genomics Gothenburg, SciLifeLab

For bioinformatics and statistical support

  • If co-authorship applies, include the expert(s) responsible as follows:

    BDC_expert’s_name, Bioinformatics and Data Centre, Core Facilities, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Clinical Genomics Gothenburg, SciLifeLab
  • In other cases, include the name of the expert that handled your project under the Acknowledgments section, for example:

    We thank BDC_expert’s_name from the Bioinformatics and Data Centre at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Clinical Genomics Gothenburg at SciLifeLab for statistical/bioinformatics support/analyses

Publications enable us to apply for more funds to keep a subsidized price therefore, we require you to inform us when your paper is accepted for publication by sending an e-mail to or the corresponding expert.

BDC will always charge you for the analyses, and the price of these analyses is not related to the discussion about authorship