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Ship Operators Network (SON)
R/V Skagerak is part of SON (Ship Operators Network). SON was formed in 2021 and is a network for ship operators.
SON has representatives from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), Umeå University, Stockholm University, SMHI, the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat and the University of Gothenburg.
SON works to strengthen co-operation and knowledge exchange between Swedish ship operators. The network emphasises collaboration and has contributed to the development of SWERVE (Swedish Research Vessel Infrastructure for Marine Research).
The Board of Ship Operators Network (SON)
- Lasse Thorell
Head of Unit, SLU - Björn Bergman
Ship Manager Ocean Surveyor, SGU - Daniel Bergman-Sjöstrand
Marine Technician, SMHI - Christoph Humborg
Professor of Coastal Zone Biogeochemistry, Scientific Director Baltic Sea Centre, Stockholm University - Nicholas Kamenos
Member of the Board
Professor at the Department of Ecology, Environment and Earth Sciences, Umeå University. Director at Umeå Marine Research Centre, KBV181 - Björn Lindell
Co-ordinator of the ship unit at SLU and ship manager R/V Svea - Åsa Lindgren
Head of Department, Swedish Polar Research Secretariat
c/o Luleå tekniska universitet (LTU), Oden - Louise Newman
Ship manager R/V Skagerak, University of Gothenburg - Anna Palmbo Bergman
Chemist/Natural Geographer at UMF, ship coordinator KBV181 - Mattias Sköld
Research Coordinator, R/V Svea, SLU - Thomas Strömsnäs
Master R/V Electra at Stockholm University