
Handbok för att nå ett hållbart transportparadigm


Boken ”Handbook of Sustainable Transport” utforskar behovet av ett hållbart transportparadigm, som har efterfrågats av lokala och nationella myndigheter, både nationellt och internationellt, under de senaste 30 åren. Denna aktuella handbok ger insikter i hur detta kan säkerställas bredare och vad det kan innebära, samt de utmaningar som hållbar transportstrategi står inför.

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Carey Curtis, som är professor i City Planning and Transport vid Curtin University, Australien och gästforskare vid Avdelningen för kulturgeografi på Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet, är redaktör för boken. Handboken erbjuder läsarna en helhetsförståelse av paradigmet genom att använda sig av ett brett spektrum av forskning och relevanta fallstudier som visar var principerna för hållbara transporter har implementerats. Dess 47 kapitel täcker ett brett utbud av intressanta och aktuella ämnen inom mobilitet och fysisk planering.

Erik Elldér och Anders Larsson, båda docenter i kulturgeografi vid Göteborgs universitet har bidragit med varsitt kapitel.

To travel, or not to travel? Telecommuting, teleshopping, and avoiding the need to travel

Erik Elldér

This chapter outlines travel-based activities with potential for ICT-based substitution, summarizes the results of empirical studies, and reflects on the potential contribution to sustainable transport policy and planning. It aims to give a nuanced examination of substitution effects by detailing the circumstances in which the substitution potential of ICT is and is not triggered. Activities for which the empirical evidence leans towards substitution effects are commuting to work and school, telemedicine, telebanking, and several other services. Common to these activities are that they are often done of necessity, and not for pleasure. Some studies have also illustrated how telecommuting makes room for increased cycling and active travel. But care should be taken when applying policies that encourage ICT-based substitution as there are also circumstances and activities when ICT risks generating additional travel, such as shopping and leisure trips.

Integrating land use and transport: understanding the dynamics of proximity

Anders Larsson

This article compares the views of planners and citizens regarding what is important to have located near the place of residence. The concepts of sustainable accessibility and proximity is used to put focus on the individual and her everyday life. The analysis draws on a series of workshops with planners and a specific survey on proximity. The results indicate that planners and citizens agree that grocery shopping is the most important local service/function to have near the home. One mismatch between planners’ and citizens’ views can be found in the way planners fail to identify proximity to nature as a key function. One conclusion is that planning processes should ensure that discussions are held based on a common language, for example with accessibility in the centre since it provides a devise for a much-needed integration and shift of focus towards the social and the human scale.

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