
Margarita Trobos

Senior Lecturer

Department of Biomaterials
Visiting address
Arvid Wallgrens backe 20
41346 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 412
40530 Göteborg

About Margarita Trobos

Associate Professor Margarita Trobos has a PhD in Medical and Infectious Microbiology from the University of Copenhagen. The PhD was performed at the National Center for Antimicrobials and Infection Control, Statens Serum Institut (Denmark), and supported by a European Marie Curie Fellowship. The PhD thesis dealt with the transmission of antibiotic resistance from animals to humans, detection and typing of resistance bacteria, and gene transfer experiments in humans. Previously, she graduated with a MSc in Biology from Salamanca University (Spain) and worked as a consultant for the World Health Organization (WHO) for the development of data collection tools to measure hospital quality. Since 2010, she has been a researcher at the Department of Biomaterials from University of Gothenburg. She has been the leader of the Infection Control projects and Coordinator of the national VINNOVA funded BIOMATCELL VINN Excellence Center of Biomaterials and Cell Therapy.

Assoc. Prof. Trobos has a research focus on biomaterial-associated infections, covering aspects on the pathogenesis (biofilm mechanisms and antimicrobial resistance) and evaluating novel diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic strategies. She has developed innovative models and techniques to study bacterial-host-biomaterial interactions. In collaboration with clinical partners, she evaluates new tools to improve the diagnosis and treatment of infections associated with orthopaedic implants.


Research interests:

  • Biomaterial-associated infections (pathogenesis, diagnosis, therapy and strategies for infection control)
  • Biofilms (mechanisms and quorum sensing)
  • Antimicrobial resistance
  • Study the relationship between the biomaterials properties, microorganisms and host defense cells
  • In vitro and in vivo models of biomaterial-associated infection and analytical techniques for the assessment of novel antimicrobial strategies