Afrikanska språk, Språkliga strukturer
Kort om kursen
Through focused analysis of the grammatical characteristics of selected African languages, this course gives insight into linguistic structures specific to the language families on the African continent.
Genom närmare analys av grammatiska egenskaper hos utvalda afrikanska språk ger den här kursen inblick i de lingvistiska strukturer som är specifika för språkfamiljerna på den afrikanska kontinenten.
Kursen har schemalagd undervisning online, främst dagtid.
Om utbildningen
This course is an advanced introduction to the scientific study of grammatical structures in African languages. The domains in focus are phonology, morphology and syntax.
One African language, chosen according to the expertise of the teacher, is taken as the point of departure, and a deeper understanding is achieved through the study of a second language of your choice. You will also gain insights into each other's chosen languages through mutual presentations by the peers in the group. Thereby different kinds of variation between linguistic structures in individual African languages will be illustrated, and since the grammatical properties are discussed from a typological perspective, the course will highlight what is characteristic of African languages as compared to other languages of the world.
The course has scheduled online classes primarily daytime.
Behörigheter och urval
För tillträde till kursen krävs (A) en kandidatexamen i ett språkämne eller allmän språkvetenskap vari ska ingå ett självständigt arbete om minst 15 hp; (B) engelska 6/IELTS 6.5/TOEFL 580, i samtliga delar, eller motsvarande.
Högskolepoäng, max 165 hp.
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Vi finns på Humanisten, Renströmsgatan 6