GPCC Research Database
To help those who want to find relevant articles written by GPCC-researchers we have created a database consisting of peer-reviewed publications from the year 2010 until July 2024 using an affiliation to the University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-Centred Care (GPCC).
All included publications (570) are coded under Reference Type as either Empirical, Theoretical or as a Review (i.e. these three codes are mutually exclusive). All Empirical studies are further coded on Health Care Area, Research Setting, Population and Study Design. Additionally, free text words can be used to search through articles to further tailor the database after your needs.
Publications using the GPCC affiliation but without clear relevance to person-centred care according to Ekman et al. 2011, have been excluded from the sample. The database does not contain full-text records. A list of publications of interest can however be exported in RIS-format or into Excel.
Link to database: https://eppi.ioe.ac.uk/eppi-vis/login/open?webdbid=521
Total number of publications included (July 2024): 570
Updates: The database will be updated anually in June/July
Questions or ideas?: If you have questions about or ideas that could improve the database, please contact education.gpcc@gu.se