University of Gothenburg

Adam Helles

Grants from the foundation allowed Adam Helles to proceed with his PhD by helping cover his travel and accommodation expenses

Psychologist and PhD student


"I was registered as a PhD student in April of 2011. My dissertation project focuses on the diagnostic stability in Asperger syndrome, neuropsychological aspects, psychiatric comorbidity, quality of life, long-term prognosis and psychosocial functioning.

I am currently in the final stages of writing my first scientific article, about the diagnostic stability and the factors predicting a persistent Asperger diagnosis. In 2012 the results have been presented at the Annual General Meeting for Physicians in Stockholm and at an autism conference in Copenhagen. In April 2014 the work will be presented at the “Focus on autism” conference in Stockholm.

I live in Gävle where I work as a psychologist within child habilitation services. Fifty per cent of my working time is allocated to my doctoral project. All my research subjects have been examined at the Gillberg Neuropsychiatry Centre in Gothenburg, where previous examinations of the same cohort have taken place. In order to cover my accommodation and travel costs to and from Gothenburg I applied for funding from The Swedish Child Neuropsychiatry Science Foundation. Without the grant from The Swedish Child Neuropsychiatry Science Foundation my research would not have been possible. I depend fully on being able to carry out the study at the Gillberg Neuropsychiatry Centre in Gothenburg. I am therefore very pleased and grateful that the Swedish Child Neuropsychiatry Science Foundation has supported my research".

Adam Helles
Photo: Region Gävleborg