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Inger Benkel
"What it is like to be human": The existential dimension of care as perceived by professionals caring for people approaching
C. Bäckersten, Ulla Molander, Inger Benkel, Stina Nyblom
Palliative & Supportive Care - 2024 -
Understanding the needs for support and coping strategies in grief following the loss of a significant other: insights from a cross-sectional survey in
Inger Benkel, Johanna Skoglund, Daniel Enstedt, Ylva Hård af Segerstad, Joakim Öhlén, Stina Nyblom
Palliative Care and Social Practice - 2024 -
To Talk or not to Talk About Existential Questions - An Interview Study With Elderly Persons and Patients With Fatal
Carl Backersten, Stina Nyblom, Ulla Molander, Inger Benkel
"It doesn't Always Have to Be an Expert": Professionals' Perceptions of Practical Aspects of the Existential Dimension of Care for People Approaching
Carl Backersten, Ulla Molander, Inger Benkel, Stina Nyblom
“They must have seen it, you know.” Body talk, extension talk, and action talk: A qualitative study on how palliative care patients and their significant others express experiencing these nonverbal
Charlotta Öhrling, Elisabet Sernbo, Inger Benkel, Ulla Molander, Stina Nyblom
PLOS ONE - 2024 -
Towards a Nuanced Understanding of Grief in Contemporary
Ylva Hård af Segerstad, Daniel Enstedt, Inger Benkel, Stina Nyblom, Johanna Skoglund, Joakim Öhlén
Global Conference on Person-Centred Care. Knowledge(s) and Innovations for Health in Changing Societies. 13-16 May 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2024 -
On grief in contemporary
Johanna Skoglund, Inger Benkel, Daniel Enstedt, Stina Nyblom, Ylva Hård af Segerstad, Joakim Öhlén
The 16th International Conference of Death, Dying and Disposal (DDD16): Learning from Suffering and Dying. New Languages from Sciences to the Humanities. 7-9 September 2023. Padua, Italy. - 2023 -
Expressions of Grief and Needs for Support in Contemporary
Johanna Skoglund, Inger Benkel, Daniel Enstedt, Stina Nyblom, Ylva Hård af Segerstad, Joakim Öhlén
The 18th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC). Rotterdam, the Netherlands. June 15-17, 2023. - 2023 -
Sorgens uttryck i
Johanna Skoglund, Inger Benkel, Daniel Enstedt, Stina Nyblom, Ylva Hård af Segerstad, Joakim Öhlén
Den 8:e nationella konferensen i palliativ vård. Framtidens palliativa vård. 2-4 October 2023. Malmö, Sweden - 2023 -
Sharing Bad News: Communication Between Patients and Their Loved Ones in a Palliative Care
Charlotta Öhling, Inger Benkel, Ulla Molander, Elisabet Sernbo, Annika Olsson, Stina Nyblom
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine - 2023 -
Metaphors in End-of-Life Dreams in Patients Receiving Palliative Care: A Secondary Qualitative
Stina Nyblom, Ulla Molander, Inger Benkel
American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine - 2023 -
Sorg efter
Annika Olsson, Inger Benkel, Skoglund Johanna, Carl Bäckersten, Charlotta Öhrling, Joakim Öhlén, Stina Nyblom, Daniel Enstedt
7:e Nationella konferensen i palliativ vård, 5-7 september 2022, Göteborg - 2022 -
En dubbel börda - att leva med livshotande sjukdom under
Stina Nyblom, Inger Benkel, Linnea Carling Elofsson, Elisabet Löfdahl, Ulla Molander, Joakim Öhlén
7:e Nationella konferensen i palliativ vård, 5-7 september 2022, Göteborg - 2022 -
Experiences among Swedish patients in specialized palliative home care and their significant others during the Covid-19
Stina Nyblom, Inger Benkel, Linnea Carling Elofsson, Elisabet Löfdahl, Ulla Molander, Joakim Öhlén
The 7th Public Health Palliative Care International Conference, 20-23 September 2022, Bruges, Belgium - 2022 -
End-of-life dreams and visions as perceived by palliative care professionals: A qualitative
Stina Nyblom, Ulla Molander, Inger Benkel
Palliative & Supportive Care - 2022 -
Pandemic impact on patients with advanced non-COVID-19 illness and their family carers receiving specialised palliative home care: a qualitative
Stina Nyblom, Inger Benkel, Linnéa Carling, Elisabet Löfdahl, Ulla Molander, Joakim Öhlén
BMJ Open - 2022 -
Using the Delphi technique to achieve consensus on bereavement care in palliative care in Europe: An EAPC White
O. Keegan, I. Murphy, Inger Benkel, J. T. Limonero, M. Relf, M. B. Guldin
Palliative Medicine - 2021 -
Multi-professional Palliative Care Team Can Contribute to Better
Marie Anjou, Stina Nyblom, Inger Benkel, Joakim Öhlén, Pia Johansson
17th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) Online, Oc-tober 6- - 2021 -
Experiences among Swedish Patients in Specialized Palliative Home Care and their Signifi-cant Others during the Covid-19
Inger Benkel, Linnea Carling Elofsson, Elisabet Löfdahl, Ulla Molander, Stina Nyblom, Joakim Öhlén
17th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) Online, Oc-tober 6-8 - 2021 -
End-of-Life Experiences (ELEs) of Spiritual Nature Are Reported Directly by Patients Receiving Palliative Care in a Highly Secular Country: A Qualitative
Stina Nyblom, M. Arnby, Ulla Molander, Inger Benkel
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine - 2021 -
Higher levels of unmet support needs in spouses are associated with poorer quality of life - a descriptive cross-sectional study in the context of palliative home
Maria Norinder, Kristofer Årestedt, Susanne Lind, Lena Axelsson, Gunn Grande, Gail Ewing, Maja Holm, Joakim Öhlén, Inger Benkel, Anette Alvariza
BMC Palliative Care - 2021 -
Övergångar i hälso- och sjukvård - ett livsloppsperspektiv och organisatoriska
Living with a chronic disease: A quantitative study of the views of patients with a chronic disease on the change in their life
Inger Benkel, M. Arnby, Ulla Molander
Sage Open Medicine - 2020 -
Early integration of palliative care: translation, cross-cultural adaptation and content validity of the Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool in a Swedish healthcare
L. Pham, M. Arnby, Inger Benkel, P. D. Jonsson, J. Kallstrannd, Ulla Molander, K. Ziegert
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences - 2020 -
Living with a Chronic Disease: Preparation, Information, Talking and Thoughts about the
Inger Benkel, Maria Arnby, Ulla Molander
"Not Thinking that This Means the End When You Are Seriously Ill but Doing Something Positive about It"-A Qualitative Study of Living with A Life-Changing
Inger Benkel, Elin Ljungqvist, Maria Arnby, Ulla Molander
DISEASES - 2019 -
Carer Support Needs and Quality of Life in Palliative Care: A Methodological and Empiri-cal
Anette Alvariza, Maja Holm , Inger Benkel, Maria Norinder, Gail Ewing, Gunn Grande, Cecilia Håkanson, Joakim Öhlén, Kristofer Årestedt
16th Word Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC). Berlin, May 23-25, Abstract P01-148. - 2019 -
A person-centred approach in nursing: Validity and reliability of the Carer Support Needs Assessment
A. Alvariza, M. Holm, Inger Benkel, M. Norinder, G. Ewing, G. Grande, Cecilia Håkansson, Joakim Öhlén, K. Årestedt
European Journal of Oncology Nursing - 2018 -
A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Parents With an Adult Child Who Has a Severe Disease: Existential Questions Will Be
Inger Benkel, Ulla Molander
Inquiry-the Journal of Health Care Organization Provision and Financing - 2017 -
Developing organisational ethics in palliative care: A three-level
L. Sandman, Ulla Molander, Inger Benkel
Nursing Ethics - 2017 -
The Shared Experience Help the Bereavement to Flow: A Family Support Group
Ingela Henoch, Christina Berg, Inger Benkel
The American journal of hospice & palliative care - 2016 -
Challenging conversations with terminally ill patients and their loved ones: Strategies to improve giving information in palliative
Inger Benkel, Helle Wijk, Ulla Molander
SAGE Open Medicine - 2014 -
Hospital staff opinions concerning loved ones' understanding of the patient's life-limiting disease and the loved ones' need for
Inger Benkel, Helle Wijk, Ulla Molander
Journal of Palliative Medicine - 2012 -
Loved ones obtain various information about the progression of the patient's cancer disease which is important for their understanding and
Inger Benkel, Helle Wijk, Ulla Molander
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine - 2012 -
Loved ones within Palliative Care-understanding, strategies and need for
Inger Benkel
2011 -
Using coping strategies are not denial: helping the loved ones to adjust living with a patient with a palliative
Inger Benkel, Helle Wijk, Ulla Molander
Journal of Palliative Medicine - 2010 -
Managing Grief and Relationship Roles Influence Which Forms of Social Support the Bereaved
Inger Benkel, Helle Wijk, Ulla Molander
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine - 2009 -
Family and friends provide most social support for the
Inger Benkel, Helle Wijk, Ulla Molander