
Doktorandseminarium Fysik: Philip Dalsbecker

Naturvetenskap & IT

Fysikdoktorandernas seminarieserie hålls via Zoom. En doktorand per tillfälle ger en 15-minuterspresentation om sitt arbete, följt av frågor. Presentationerna riktar sig till fysikintresserade från alla inriktningar.

15 mar 2021
12:00 - 12:30
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Zoom link:

Philip Dalsbecker

Zoom link: https://gu-se.zoom.us/j/66921296433

Title: Liver on a Chip - where physics meets life science


The liver is the organ in our bodies that breaks down most medicines that we consume. Studying the liver is key in developing new medicines, but the testing of new compounds is hindered by the lack of testing platforms that mimic the liver's physiology. Microfluidics can offer us the tools we need to surpass this obstacle.

My work focuses on designing, producing and testing such platforms, called Livers-on-Chips, through flow simulations, microfabrication, and cell culture. In my presentation, I'll introduce you to the field of microfluidic organ modelling and the work I've done to produce a working Liver-on-a-Chip.


I'm a 5th-year PhD student in the Biological Physics group, supervised by Mattias Goksör and Caroline Beck Adiels. I have a bachelor's and master's degree in physics from Lund University, and I have been part of the Biological Physics Lab since 2016. I defended my licentiate thesis in 2018 and will defend my PhD this autumn.