Biology, Master's Programme
Are you interested in how natural processes affect individuals, species or ecosystems? Or perhaps you want to work with global challenges such as climate change, management of natural resources and the ability to feed a growing population. The master’s programme in biology allows you to choose between a broad spectrum of courses closely connected to our main research profiles, with focus on both terrestrial and aquatic life.
The master’s programme in Biology builds on your Bachelor’s degree, allowing you to develop tools and competence to compete on the job market or pursue further graduate studies. We offer five main profiles, based on the five degree project courses:
- Evolutionary & behavioural ecology,
- Physiology & cell biology,
- Conservation biology,
- Biodiversity & systematics
- Marine ecology.
Regardless which courses you choose, most teachers are also active researchers that teach within their field of expertise. This guarantee an up to date education and that you will hear about the latest research findings. But even if the education has a strong research connection, it is equally aimed at those of you who envisage a future outside academia, for example at a biotechnology and environmental consulting company or within various authorities and organizations.
Balancing theory and practice
The teaching is both based on theory and practically oriented, and takes the form of lectures, exercises, laboratory work, excursions, and group work. Individual courses also include study visits and internships, and part of the teaching takes place at our marine field stations Tjärnö and Kristineberg.
Programme structure and content
During the first year you take elective courses comprising 60 credits, mostly advanced courses in biology, and during the second year you will focus on your degree project. You can follow one of our recommended tracks or combine the courses as you want. You can also widen your studies by choosing other elective courses in other suitable subjects.
The degree project normally ends the program. Usually it comprises two semesters (60 credits), but you can also choose to do a shorter project and instead take additional courses of 15 or 30 credits during year 2. The degree project is at advanced level and is usually done within one of our research projects at the university, but you can also choose to do it in collaboration with an external party, such as county administrative boards or companies with biological activities. Regardless of where the work is done, it must be based on a clear scientific question and methodology.
Who should apply?
Are you interested in how natural processes affect individuals, species, or ecosystems? Do you want to work with global challenges such as climate change or management of natural resources, and sustainable food production for a growing world population?
If this sounds like you, then apply for the master’s programme in Biology.
Prerequisites and selection
Entry requirements
University studies of at least three full years, equal to a Bachelor's degree in Science in Biology, Marine or Environmental Science, including at least 60 credits in biology including one in-depth course in biology of at least 15 credits. Applicants must prove their knowledge of English: English 6/English B from Swedish Upper Secondary School or the equivalent level of an internationally recognized test, for example TOEFL, IELTS.
Selection is based upon the number of credits from previous university studies, maximum 165 credits.
After graduation
A master's degree in biology provides a good foundation in a variety of professional areas and workplaces. In addition to the pure factual knowledge that you get from our courses, we place great emphasis on independent analytical skills and the ability to exchange ideas, information and criticism in groups.
Biologists work in many areas with diverse tasks depending on their profile. Conservation- and evolutionary biologists work with environment and conservation questions in companies, local councils, and government agencies or as self-employed consultants. Biologists with a physiological or cell biological profile often work with research in biotech companies, hospital labs, or government agencies. Many biologists also work in research and education.
The teaching is mainly conducted in the Natrium building, on Medicinareberget in Gothenburg (Medicinaregatan 7B). Part of the teaching takes place at our marine field stations Tjärnö outside Strömstad and at Kristineberg outside Fiskebäckskil.
More information about facilities
Exchange opportunities
Many jobs require international collaboration, and it is therefore a valuable qualification to spend part of your studies abroad. We provide you with good chances for exchange studies, with over 100 contracts under the Erasmus and other exchange programmes with universities and colleges around the world.
A good way for you to make contacts with potential employers do an internship during your education. An internship can be completed as an optional in-depth course, “Applied Project in Biology”. It should be linked to biology training, be placed in a workplace where biologists work, and can take place during the semesters or summer.