
Scandinavian Surgical Outcomes Research Group

Research group
Active research
Project owner
Institute of Clinical Sciences

Short description

The SSORG network was founded in 2008 by colorectal surgeons in Denmark and Sweden. Its secretariat is located at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg.
The purpose of SSORG is to study, evaluate, and compare surgical treatment options from a comprehensive patient-centered and healthcare science perspective, focusing on complications, health economics, functional disorders, quality of life, and patient interaction.
Most team members (physicians and nurses) are primarily engaged in clinical practice and work part-time on research within SSORG. The goal is to integrate clinical work and research to actively address clinical challenges through original research.
The Swedish branch of SSORG conducts studies in two main areas: minimally invasive surgery and colorectal and anal cancer.

Current projects

The EXCEED study

A multinational, blinded randomized controlled trial (RCT). The study compares two types of ileocecal resection in Crohn’s Disease. A standard ileocecal resection is compared to an extended mesenteric resection.

The study is designed as a two-arm superiority study including 204 participants. The objective is to examine whether extended excision of the mesentery in Crohn’s disease can effectively reduce recurrence. The primary endpoint is endoscopic recurrence at 12 months postoperatively.

The study commenced January 2025 and inclusion is expected to last 3 years.

Contact and more information:,

WASAWalking and sitting difficulties after APE

The study is a randomized international multicenter trial which examines the effect of a supervised training program for patients operated by an abdominoperineal or extralevator abdominoperineal excision as treatment of rectal cancer.

The study is designed as superiority study with an intervention and a control arm including 300 participants, 150 in each group. Primary endpoint is measured at 6 months postoperatively.

The study will commence during spring 2025 and inclusion is expected to last 3-4 years.

Contact and more information:

LATITUDE – Lateral lymph node attitude study

The study is an international prospective clinical controlled cohort study evaluating the treatment of lateral lymph nodes in rectal cancer.

A total of 227 patients will be recruited for the lateral lymph node dissection group, while the control group will be included continuously throughout the study period.

The primary outcome is local recurrence within three years.

The study is planned to start in the first quarter of 2025, and inclusion is expected to last 3-4 years.

For contact and more information:

Team members at SSORG Gothenburg

The core activities of the secretariat are managed by our research nurses, who maintain contact with participating centers, reach out to study participants during enrollment and follow-up, and request medical record copies:

Carina Rosander, contacts patients with a stoma due to colon or rectal cancer participating in the StomaFUNQ study.

Anette Wedin, manages medical record reviews and contacts patients with anal cancer involved in the ANCA II study. She also reaches out to patients in the StomaFUNQ study. Outside of SSORG, she works in a surgical acute care ward.

Elisabeth González, contacts patients diagnosed with rectal cancer who may participate in the LIMERICK study or are part of the WoW study. She also communicates with the clinics involved in these studies. Outside of SSORG, she works in a surgical ward for patients with colon and rectal diseases..

Administrative staff and statisticians:

Carolina Ehrencrona, research administrator
Manages the unit’s databases and oversees data management tasks.

Rebecka Levenskog, research administrator (on parental leave)
Handles most administrative tasks for the unit, including biobank agreements and ethical applications.

Erik Samuelsson, assistant
Manages daily administration, builds data entry databases and eCRFs, and enters survey responses.

Ying Li, Associate Professor, statistician
Public Health and Community Medicine.

Rode Grönkvist, statistician
Public Health and Community Medicine.

Senior researchers and their research areas:

Eva Angenete, Professor, Senior Consultant
The Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy
Surgery Östra, Sahlgrenska University Hospital

Conducts studies aimed at improving survival and quality of life for patients with rectal and anal cancer. Current studies examine quality of life, functional, and oncological outcomes. Her research also explores the need for surgery in rectal cancer concerning pre-treatment with radiation and chemotherapy, as well as lateral lymph node dissection to prevent recurrence. The research program also includes translational studies to identify potential markers predicting tumor response to oncological treatment.

Eva Haglind, Professor Emerita, Senior Consultant
Surgery Östra, Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Focuses on minimally invasive procedures and recovery following surgery for colon and rectal cancer and prostate cancer. Her studies examine clinical and functional outcomes, patient-related aspects, and health economics. The research also investigates peritoneal lavage treatment for diverticulitis with peritonitis, including both clinical outcomes and involved translational mechanisms.

Jennifer Park, Associate Professor, Senior Consultant
Surgery Östra, Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Studies the importance of radiological examinations in patients with newly diagnosed rectal cancer. Research includes comparing two radiological methods and assessing whether preoperative radiological factors can predict postoperative complications and recurrence.

Charlotta Larsson, Senior Consultant
Surgery Östra, Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Conducts research on colon and rectal cancer as well as pelvic floor disorders.

Adiela Correa Marinez, Senior Consultant
Surgery Östra, Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Studies how the type of colostomy construction during cancer treatment for colon and rectum affects the risk of complications, both related to the stoma and subsequent surgeries.

Kevin Afsari, Senior Consultant
Surgery Östra, Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Researches functional outcomes and experiences of emergency versus planned colostomy in cases of colon and rectal cancer.

Martin Rutegård, Associate Professor, Senior Consultant
Surgery Östra, Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Adjunct Professor, Umeå University
Conducts research on the incidence, causes, prevention, and consequences of anastomotic leakage following surgery for colorectal cancer. Clinical studies, databases, and biobank materials are utilized to reduce the overall risk of anastomotic leakage and, in particular, to identify clinically useful biomarkers.

Current doctoral students and their projects:

Erik Sinclair, Specialist Physician
Surgery, Norra Älvsborg County Hospital
His thesis investigates the significance of microbiota and immunology as well as mechanisms of minimally invasive treatment for complicated diverticular disease.

Maria Reinwalds, Nurse Practitioner
Surgery Östra, Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Her thesis focuses on patients’ experiences of health and quality of life during the diagnosis and treatment of colon and rectal cancer.

Nina Fanni, Specialist Physician
Oncology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Her thesis aims to explore patients’ perceptions of cure and its possible correlation to quality of life in patients with potentially curable anal cancer or colon cancer receiving surgical as well as oncological therapy. By studying perceptions of cure and identifying influencing factors, the research aims to assess whether discussions about this should be integrated into follow-up care to improve support for cancer survivors.

Carolina Ehrencrona, Cognitive Scientist
The Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy
The thesis explores factors influencing the choice of surgical treatments and their effects on patients’ daily lives post-surgery. Both factors actively considered during assessment and those unconsciously influencing decisions will be studied.

Lidija Mijaljevic, Senior Consultant
Surgery Östra, Sahlgrenska University Hospital
The thesis examines non-operative treatment of rectal cancer.

Graduated doctoral students and their theses


Jacob Rosenberg, Professor, Senior Consultant
Herlev Hospital, Department of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases

Jakob Lykke, PhD, Chief Physician, Specialty Lead
Herlev Hospital, Department of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases

Mark Bremholm Ellebæk, Professor, Chief Physician
Odense University Hospital, Department of Surgery

Jens Kristian Bælum, Specialist in Surgery
Odense University Hospital, Department of Surgery