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- Olle Larkö
Olle Larkö
Arbetsrelaterad hudcancer är möjlig att
Bengt Järvholm, Olle Larkö
Läkartidningen - 2024 -
Use of Large Language Models: Editorial
Sam Polesie, Olle Larkö
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2023 -
Tidig forskningssatsning ger långsiktigt
Puja Shahrouki, Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Agneta Ekman, Eric Hanse, Olle Larkö, Levent Akyürek
Läkartidningen - 2017 -
Size of the exposed body surface area, skin erythema and body mass index predict skin production of vitamin
Amra Osmancevic, Martin Gillstedt, Kerstin Landin-Wilhelmsen, Ann-Marie Wennberg Larkö, Olle Larkö, M. F. Holick, Anne-Lene Krogstad
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B-Biology - 2015 -
Vitamin D production after UVB exposure - A comparison of exposed skin
Amra Osmancevic, Katarina Sandström, Martin Gillstedt, Kerstin Landin-Wilhelmsen, Olle Larkö, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Michael F Holick, Anne-Lene Krogstad
Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology - 2015 -
The risk of skin cancer in psoriasis patients treated with UVB
Amra Osmancevic, Martin Gillstedt, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Olle Larkö
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2014 -
Cryosurgery of eyelid basal cell carcinomas including 781 cases treated over
30 years.
Gun Lindgren, Olle Larkö
Acta ophthalmologica - 2014 -
The person-centred approach to an ageing
Inger Ekman, Nicky Britten, Jens Bördin, Christiano Codagnone, Staffan Edén, Daniel Forslund, Pam Fredman, Lars Grip, Håkan Hedman, Ted Hesselbom, Iris van Dijk Härd, Olle Larkö, Irma Lindström, Lisa Lindström, Astrid Norberg, Anders Olauson, Henrik Rosén, Akbar Seddig, Alan Lennant, Christoph Westerteichert, Björn Ålsnäs, Karl Swedberg
European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare - 2013 -
[Swedish research needs Swedish innovation. The research and innovation strategy must strengthen Swedish
Thomas Hedner, Olle Larkö
Läkartidningen - 2013 -
Fluorescence Diagnostics of Basal Cell Carcinomas Comparing Methyl-aminolaevulinate and Aminolaevulinic Acid and Correlation with Visual Clinical Tumour
Carin Sandberg, John Paoli, Martin Gillstedt, Christina Halldin, Olle Larkö, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Marica B Ericson
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2011 -
Olle Larkö, Lisabeth Färnkvist
2010 -
Vitamin D status in psoriasis patients during different treatments with
Amra Osmancevic, Kerstin Landin-Wilhelmsen, Olle Larkö, Anne-Lene Krogstad
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology - 2010 -
Clinical guidelines for actinic keratosis, squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carinoma in
John Paoli, Olle Larkö
Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology - 2009 -
The current options in the management of actinic
Olle Larkö
Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia - 2009 -
Vitamin D production in psoriasis patients increases less with narrowband than with broadband ultraviolet B
Amra Osmancevic, Kerstin Landin-Wilhelmsen, Olle Larkö, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Anne-Lene Krogstad
Photodermatology, photoimmunology & photomedicine - 2009 -
Review of photodynamic therapy in actinic keratosis and basal cell
Marica B Ericson, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Olle Larkö
Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management - 2008 -
Risk factors for osteoporosis and bone status in postmenopausal women with psoriasis treated with UVB
Amra Osmancevic, Kerstin Landin-Wilhelmsen, Olle Larkö, Dan Mellström, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Lena Hulthén, Anne-Lene Krogstad
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2008 -
Bioavailability of aminolaevulinic acid and methylaminolaevulinate in basal cell carcinomas: a perfusion study using microdialysis in
Carin Sandberg, Christina Halldin, Marica B Ericson, Olle Larkö, Anne-Lene Krogstad, Ann-Marie Wennberg
British Journal of Dermatology - 2008 -
Solid-phase extraction and reverse-phase HPLC: Application to study the urinary excretion pattern of benzophenone-3 and its metabolite 2,4-dihydroxybenzophenone in human
Helena Gonzalez, Carl-Eric Jacobson, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Olle Larkö, Anne Farbrot
Analytical Chemistry Insights - 2008 -
Hudläkare bör ta hand om misstänkta maligna
Olle Larkö
Läkartidningen - 2008 -
UVB therapy increases 25(OH) vitamin D syntheses in postmenopausal women with
Amra Osmancevic, Kerstin Landin-Wilhelmsen, Olle Larkö, Dan Mellström, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Lena Hulthén, Anne-Lene Krogstad
Photodermatology, photoimmunology & photomedicine - 2007 -
Photostability of commercial sunscreens upon sun exposure and irradiation by ultraviolet
Helena Gonzalez, Nils Tarras-Wahlberg, Birgitta Strömdahl, A Juzeniene, J. Moan, Olle Larkö, Arne Rosen, Ann-Marie Wennberg
BMC Dermatol - 2007 -
Photodynamic therapy for acne vulgaris: a pilot study of the dose-response and meachanism of
Camilla Hörfelt, Bo Stenquist, Olle Larkö, Jan Faergemann, Ann-Marie Wennberg
Acta Derm Venereol - 2007 -
Pigmented Basal Cell Carcinoma - Comparing the Diagnostic Methods of SIAscopy and
Karin Terstappen, Olle Larkö, Ann-Marie Wennberg
Acta Derm Venereol - 2007 -
Human papilloma virus in skin, mouth and uterine cervix in female renal transplant recipients with or without a history of cutaneous squamous cell
Peter Nordin, Bengt Göran Hansson, Carita Hansson, Ingemar Blohmé, Olle Larkö, Kristin Andersson
Acta Derm Venereol - 2007 -
Bispectral fluorescence imaging of aggressive basal cell carcinoma combined with histopathological mapping: a preliminary study indicating a possible adjunct to Mohs micrographic
Bo Stenquist, Marica B Ericson, C. Strandeberg, Lena Mölne, Arne Rosen, Olle Larkö, Ann-Marie Wennberg
Br J Dermatol - 2006 -
Important factors for pain during photodynamic therapy for actinic
Carin Sandberg, Bo Stenquist, Inger Rosdahl, A. M. Ros, I. Synnerstad, M. Karlsson, F. Gudmundson, Marica B Ericson, Olle Larkö, Ann-Marie Wennberg
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2006 -
Percutaneous absorption of the sunscreen benzophenone-3 after repeated whole-body applications, with and without ultraviolet
Helena Gonzalez, A. Farbrot, Olle Larkö, Ann-Marie Wennberg
Br J Dermatol - 2006 -
Olle Larkö
Informationsbroschyr från Cancerfonden - 2006 -
Bispectral fluorescence imaging combined with texture analysis and linear discrimination for correlation with histopathologic extent of basal cell
Marica B Ericson, Bo Stenquist, Arne Rosén, Olle Larkö, J. Uhre, C. Strandeberg, Ann-Marie Wennberg
Journal of Biomedical Optics - 2005 -
[Increasing number of skin cancer cases--also among the
M. Tarstedt, Olle Larkö, L. Molin, Ann-Marie Wennberg
Läkartidningen - 2005 -
Ultraviolet B radiation improves serum levels of vitamin D in patients with cystic
Eva Gronowitz, Olle Larkö, Marita Gilljam, Annika Hollsing, Anders Lindblad, Dan Mellström, Birgitta Strandvik
Acta Paediatr - 2005 -
The vulvar skin microenvironment: impact of tight-fitting underwear on microclimate, pH and
Bo Runeman, Göran Rybo, U. Forsgren-Brusk, Olle Larkö, P. Larsson, Jan Faergemann
Acta Derm Venereol - 2005 -
Olle Larkö
Australas J Dermatol - 2005 -
Photodynamic diagnosis of non-melanoma skin
Olle Larkö
Australas J Dermatol - 2005 -
Photodynamic therapy of actinic keratosis at varying fluence rates: assessment of photobleaching, pain and primary clinical
Marica B Ericson, Carin Sandberg, Bo Stenquist, F. Gudmundson, M Karlsson, A-M Roos, Arne Rosén, Olle Larkö, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Inger Rosdahl
Br J Dermatol - 2004 -
Fluorescence demarcation of basal cell carcinoma controlled by histopathological
Marica Ericson, Charlotta Berndtsson, Bo Stenquist, Lena Mölne, Olle Larkö, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Arne Rosén
Proc of SPIE; The international Society for Opitical Engineering - 2004 -
The vulvar skin microenvironment: influence of different panty liners on temperature, pH and
Bo Runeman, Göran Rybo, Ulla Forsgren-Brusk, Olle Larkö, Peter Larsson, Jan Faergemann
Acta Derm Venereol - 2004 -
Multispectral fluorescence imaging of basal cell carcinoma assisted by image
Marica B Ericson, C. Berndtsson, Bo Stenquist, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Olle Larkö, A. Rosén
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering - 2003 -
A spectroscopic study of the photobleaching of protoporphyrin IX in
Marica B Ericson, S. Grapengiesser, F. Gudmundson, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Olle Larkö, J. Moan, A. Rosén
Lasers in Medical Science - 2003 -
Fluorescence contrast and threshold limit: implications for photodynamic diagnosis of basal cell
Marica B Ericson, Carin Sandberg, F. Gudmundson, A. Rosén, Olle Larkö, Ann-Marie Wennberg
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B: Biology - 2003 -
Pain caused by photodynamic therapy of skin
S. Grapengiesser, Marica B Ericson, F. Gudmundsson, Olle Larkö, A. Rosén, Ann-Marie Wennberg
Clincal and Experimental Dermatology - 2002 -
A Regional Study of Ultraviolet Radiation in the Göteborg/Koster Area of Southwest
M. Nunez, Deliang Chen, G. Hayden, Olle Larkö, C. Kuchinke, B. Nezic