Inkluderande och exkluderande geografier
Including and excluding geographies
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Obligatorisk litteratur
Grundström, K., Lelévrier, C. (2023). Imposing ‘Enclosed Communities’? Urban Gating of Large Housing Estates in Sweden and France. Land, 12(8), 1535. *
Harvey, D. (2008). The Right to the City. I R. T. LeGates, & F. Stout (Red.). (2020). The City Reader (7 uppl., s. 281-289). Routledge. **
Mandipour, A. (2020). Social Exclusion, Space, and Time. I R. T. LeGates, & F. Stout (Red.). (2020). The City Reader (7 uppl., s. 206-216). Routledge. **
Müller, L., Wojahn, D., Sandström, I., & Hedvall, P.-O. (2022). Planning for human diversity: design patterns of Universal Design. Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, 34(2): 75-104. [Laddas ner här]
Petty, J. (2016). The London spikes controversy: Homelessness, urban securitisation and the Question of ‘hostile architecture’. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 5(1): 67‐81. *
Lewis, R., Sharp, E., Remnant, J., & Redpath, R. (2015). ‘Safe Spaces’: Experiences of Feminist Women-Only Space. Sociological Research Online, 20(4), 105-118. *
**Referenslitteratur **
Church, A., Frost, M., & Sullivan, K. (2000). Transport and social exclusion in London. Transport Policy, 7(3), 195-205. *
Durand, A., Zijlstra, T., van Oort, N., Hoogendoorn-Lanser, S., & Hoogendoorn, S. (2022). Access denied? Digital inequality in transport services. Transport Reviews, 42(1), 32-57. *
Graham-Harrison, E. (26 augusti 2015). Women-only carriages around the world: do they work? The Guardian. Women-only carriages around the world: do they work?
Kjellman, M. (31 januari 2022). Brandstation tar bort könsseparerade omklädningsrum. Dagens Nyheter. **
Tottmar, M. & Lundborg, B. (25 februari 2024). Styret i Stockholm: ”Kvinnosim varken nytt eller konstigt”. Dagens Nyheter. **
Alves, S. (2022). Nuancing the international debate on social mix: evidence from Copenhagen. Housing Studies, 37(7): 1174-1197. *
Benson, M., Jackson, E. (2018). From class to gentrification and back again. I M. Phillips, L. Lees (Red.), Handbook of Gentrification Studies (s. 63-80). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Glaster, G. C. (2013). Neighborhood Social Mix: Theory, Evidence, and Implications for Policy and Planning: Promoting Justice in Urban Development. **
Lees, L. (2008). Gentrification and social mixing: towards an inclusive urban renaissance? Urban studies 45(12): 2449-2470. *
Lindström, J. (2019). Segregation. Liber.
Thörn, C., & Thörn, H. (2017). Swedish cities now belong to the most segregated in Europe. Sociologisk forskning, 54(4), 293-296. *
Van Kempen, R., & Bolt, G. (2012). Social consequences of residential segregation and mixed neighborhoods. I D. Clapham, W. Clark, & K. Gibb (Red.). The Sage handbook of housing studies (s. 439-460). SAGE.
Syssner, J. (2018). Mindre många: om utveckling och anpassning i krympande kommuner. Dokument Press. (167 sidor)
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