CeMEB members group photo from the 2024 Assembly
Foto: Swantje Enge

CeMEB Autumn Assembly 2024

Science and Information Technology

The CeMEB Autumn Assembly 2024 will take place on October 22-24 at the Tjärnö Marine Laboratory. This year's Assembly has an open theme, but also contains dedicated talks and discussions on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) within the field of evolutionary biology.

22 okt 2024 - 24 okt 2024
See the Registration form
Sista anmälningsdag
6 oktober 2024

Linnaeus Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology (CeMEB)
Anmälan är stängd.

Welcome to the CeMEB Autumn Assembly 2024

We invite all members of the CeMEB community to share your recent research results, development of new methods, or ideas on the topic of your choice within marine evolutionary biology. As a special treat, we have invited excellent keynote speakers to tell us about AI methods in genomics, and especially in population genetics and evolutionary biology. Apart from keynote talks, we expect lots of interesting presentations from CeMEB members on any topic relevant to the CeMEB community. Topics are not limited to AI. As always, we will also devote plenty of time to interesting group discussions - particularly on the usage of AI methods, but other topics are also welcome. 


Keynote speakers

Carl Nettelblad

Associate Professor at the Department of Information Technology; Division of Scientific Computing; Uppsala University

Carl Nettelblad uses advanced computational methods such as deep learning and GPU computing to analyze life science data. Carl’s research interest is centered around developing statistical models and computational techniques for handling population-scale genomic data with errors and noise, as well as exploring innovative methods in genotype imputation, phasing, and structure.

More about Carl Nettelblad’s research:


Sara Mathieson

Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department; Haverford College

Sara Mathieson’s research spans computational biology, population genetics and machine learning. Sara’s research has a strong focus on leveraging deep learning and neural network methodologies to solve complex problems in genetic data analysis including the inference of demographic patterns and signatures of natural selection.

More about Sara Mathieson’s research:


Matteo Fumagalli

Senior Lecturer in Genetics at the School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences; Queen Mary University of London and Fellow at The Alan Turing Institute

Matteo Fumagalli focuses on human genetics and evolutionary biology. Matteo’s research focuses on how natural selection has influenced genetic predispositions to disease and pioneering the use of artificial intelligence in evolutionary studies, particularly for inferring demographic history, admixture events and signatures of selection.

More about Matteo Fumagalli’s research:


Chris C R Smith

Postdoctoral Associate at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES); University of Colorado Boulder

Chris Smith focuses his research on leveraging computational and machine learning methods in population genetics and ecology. Chris’ work involves developing and applying neural networks to estimate demographic and dispersal patterns from whole-genome and reduced representation genetic data across a range of organisms.

More about Chris C R Smith’s research:


Practical info

The meeting starts at 10:00 on October 22 and ends at 14:00 on October 24 at Tjärnö.

The deadline for registration is on October 6.

There is no assembly fee, but on-site participants will be charged for food and accommodation during the stay. See the Registration form for details.

We also offer limited funds to support PhD students to attend the Assembly. If you are interested, please send a brief letter of interest to, explaining your motivation to attend the Assembly and reasons for asking for the financial support. The deadline for doing so is on September 29, 12:00.


Looking forward to seeing you there!

Andreas Wallberg, Ellika Faust, Marina Rafajlovic, Marlene Jahnke, Pierre De Wit, Sean Stankowski, and Simon Henriksson

CeMEB Steering Committee