
Coping with recurrent emergencies: The self-organization of civil society in Jakarta during flooding

Research project
Inactive research
Project period
2012 - 2016
Project owner
School of Global Studies

Short description

The project studies how city government and citizens in flooded areas in Jakarta act to encounter risks induced by recurrent floods.

Background and research aims

In Jakarta, flooding is a recurrent crisis that politicians, as well as civil society and market forces, have to deal with every year. This makes it a prime case study of global as well as local forces at play during times of crises and in urban risk management. 

The project studies how city government and citizens in flooded areas in Jakarta act to encounter risks induced by recurrent floods, and analyses ways in which civil society organizes itself in times of hazards and how it interacts with city administration and NGOs. 

Image showing rising sea level from 2007 to 2013,
Rising sea level from 2007 to 2013.
Photo: Marie Thynell


Jörgen Hellman

Marie Thynell


2018, Hellman, J., Thynell, M & van Voorst, R., eds. Jakarta Claiming spaces and rights in the city, Routledge, Research on Asian Studies. London.