
SVHC use fee could improve substitution under REACH

This is an extraction of the ChemicalWatch report from the annual conference of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (Setac) conference in Helsinki in May.

A fee for the use of all substances of very high concern (SVHCs) under REACH would, in some cases, remove an incentive to make substitutions that are not obviously of benefit. Daniel Slunge, a researcher within FRAM, said that trichloroethylene (TCE) provided a useful example.

In general, companies were moving away from the use of TCE because it is on the authorisation list in Annex XIV, he said. The listing means that, if they want to use it, they have to first obtain authorisation for their specific use by applying to Echa.

However, some of the companies were substituting perchloroethylene, he added. This is significant because, while perc is not on the authorisation list, it is an SVHC on the candidate list.

Jessica Coria, also a FRAM researcher, provided preliminary project results, showing that the activity of individual EU member states in the authorisation process aligns with local interests.

Read the full article here: SVHC use fee could improve substitution under REACH, written by Andrew Turley, Science editor at Chemical Watch.