Artwork by one of the exhibitors
"Sick dog hospital" by Iris Kluska.
Photo: Irys Kluska

Graduated students in ceramic art 2024 exhibit at KKAM Höganäs

Culture and languages

If you missed the graduation exhibitions in ceramic art this spring, you now have the chance to see them. This years graduating Bachelor and Master students in ceramic art present their graduation exhibitions at KKAM Höganäs.

5 Oct 2024 - 10 Nov 2024
Polhemsgatan 1, 263 37 Höganäs
Adult: 80 kr. Children under 18: Free.

Revisit or discover the Bachelor and Master students graduation exhibitions in ceramic art of 2024 at KKAM Höganäs. 

The exhibition relates to different topics such as chaos, grief, family and illness. The artwork is shaped by a range of materials with clay and ceramics in focus.


Click on the name of an artist to read more about their work at HDK-Valand's Graduation platform.

Opening hours:

The exhibition is open from October 5th to November 10th, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.  

Read more about the exhibition at