A Master's in Mathematics led Babacar to a job at a Swedish bank
Babacar Diagné is from Senegal. He studied in Gothenburg in 2016 and 2017, where he followed the Master’s programme in Mathematical Science with a specialization in Financial Mathematics. Currently, he is working as a quantitative analyst at Handelsbanken in Stockholm.
How have you benefited from your education?
In a sense, I was pursuing a passion when applying to this master’s programme. Through my education at the University of Gothenburg, I have updated and broaden my scientific skills, and it also boosted my prospects professionally.
What made you choose the University of Gothenburg for your degree?
One of the many reasons why I chose to go to Gothenburg was the international reputation of the University, but also the quality of the education and the scientific research. I also chose the University of Gothenburg because the specialization I was applying to was given in cooperation with the School of Business, Economics, and Law (Handelshögskolan), also at the University of Gothenburg, which has a “Triple Crown” accreditation.
What was the best part of your programme?
To meet researchers and practitioners through seminars in the fields I was interested in. Beyond that, I built a network of friends with whom I still have professional contacts.
How did you experience your time as a student in Gothenburg?
I had a great time in Gothenburg. I fully enjoyed this iconic city and had a wonderful social life there during my studies.
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This interview was conducted in 2020 and written by Cecilia Floris.