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The effects of ethics in digital marketing and e-commerce

Research project
Active research
Project owner
Centre for Consumption Research, Gothenburg Research Institute

Stiftelsen för ekonomisk forskning i Västsverige

Short description

Initiating a research environment for describing and conceptualizing the ethical means by which SMEs and e-commerce retailers apply digital technologies for promoting their businesses.
The research will be conducted in collaboration with Promotional Cultures and Communication Centre, Bournemouth university (UK) and the Centre for Retailing (SWE).

Information about the project

Project organization

The project activities are organized throughout two work packages WP1 and WP 2 and contain differently focused activities in order to establish a new long-term sustainable and successful research area.

WP 1 Ethics in digital marketing in SMEs in Sweden

The aim of the first WP 1 in this research environment is to identify the importance of and initiate research about digital marketing and ethics in the practices of SMEs in Sweden.

The research theme will coordinated by Associate Professor and Director of Centre for Consumption Research Niklas Sörum

WP 2  Accessibility and Ethics in E-Commerce

The purpose of the second WP 2 in this research environment is to initiate research about accessibility ethics within E-Commerce and highlight the ethical issues related to managerial decision making for accessibility projects.

The research theme is coordinated by Dr Ulrika Holmberg and Dr Lena Hansson.