Housing innovation from the bottom up: creating co-housing and co-living for economically vulnerable groups
Short description
There is a severe lack of affordable housing in Sweden impacting on living conditions for groups with weaker economy. With this initiative, we will learn from and further develop previous research and innovation projects and their collective knowledge, in order to concretely create affordable co-building and co-housing.
Participants: Jaan-Henrik Kain, Jenny Stenberg, GRI-GU; Söderhamn municipality; Maria Nordström, Andreas Helgesson, Stenbacken housing and work cooperative; Jesper Bryngelsson, Union of Tenants; Tinna Harling, Egnahemsfabriken Tjörn; Association for collaborative building; MICOLL-housing network in Bergsjön.
Case study area: To begin implementation of programs for co-building housing for economically weak groups in one or more Swedish municipalities.