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Insights from Nordic Research Course: Doctoral Student Kevin Henry Shares His Experience

Together towards new HRM perspectives: Doctoral students from across the Nordics meet


Several different perspectives were brought together when 15 doctoral students in Human Resource Management (HRM) from across the Nordics participated in a research course at the Department of Business Administration at the School of Business, Economics and Law. The course was particularly appreciated by the doctoral students who traveled to Sweden to participate.

Several lecturers from across the Nordic region held seminars, and doctoral students were able to read and present scientific articles to each other during the mostly digital research course. At the end of the course, participants were offered an opportunity to trael to Gothenburg, not least to network and exchange experiences within the field of Human Resource Management.

– Ten doctoral students traveled here, and three are doing their doctorate at the University of Gothenburg, says Stefan Tengblad, Professor of Human Resource Management and course coordinator. 

Thus the course became possible 

The course was organized by the Department of Business Administration at the University of Gothenburg and co-financed by the Nordic Academy of Management (NFF). Stefan Tengblad's research collaboration with researchers from various Nordic countries made the broad cooperation possible. 

– It's probably a bit unusual on a Nordic basis for several doctoral students from different countries to come to a school in this way, says Stefan Tengblad. 

Nordic doctoral students express appreciation

When the doctoral students met during the research course at the Department of Business Administration, they also met Frans Bevort, Professor from copenhagen Business School, and Paul Gooderham, Professor at the Norwegian School of Economics. 

During the reflection part of the research course, the doctoral students expressed their positive attitude towards the course and the opportunity to take part in each other's perspectives. Stefan Tengblad was thanked for the initiative. 

– It was really great to hear. We had hopes that this would be a course that many would appreciate, so it's gratifying to hear that it was, says Stefan Tengblad. 

"This was very valuable", said Kevin Henry 

One of the doctoral students who gained a lot from the course was Kevin Henry, a doctoral student at Reykjavik University in Iceland. He is in his first year of doctoral research in HRM. 

– It was very interesting to get a broad overview of the entire Nordic HRM field. We listened to many established professors who presented their research and their main research areas, says Kevin Henry. 

But the opportunity to meet other doctoral students is something Kevin describes as a unique experience he is grateful for. Watch him tell more in the video above. 

Text and video: Simon Fredling Jack, communicator.