
Staffan Albinsson given the Best Paper Award


Staffan AlbinssonLast week Staffan Albinsson, guest researcher at the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, University of Gothenburg, was given the Best Paper Award at the 15th IECER/Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research. He presented the final result of his Broman Foundation scholarship period – a paper entitled “Sing it out loud! - the entrepreneurship of small and medium-sized opera enterprises in Scandinavia”. It was immediately accepted for publication in International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. In his paper Staffan concludes that opera entrepreneurs do, fundamentally, follow normal entrepreneurial processes in their endeavours. However, along the path of that process there is a variety of pressing choices which influence the outcome, mainly regarding the repertoire and the staging of it. For most opera entrepreneurs necessary skills have been acquired through trial-and-error experiences. The study includes unique suggestions for an ‘Observed Quality’ score and a Value-for-Money assessment.

- It was really funny that I, at my senior age, was labelled a ‘talent’ by the jury, Staffan says. He received his PhD title in 2013 after more than three decades in music management.