
SCC-researchers are mapping genetic changes - leads to targeted cancer treatment


In collaboration with colleagues at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, researchers at Sahlgrenska Cancer Center have identified new fusion oncogenes which drives the development of a serious form of Salivary gland tumours. The research results are being published in the scientific journal Nature Communications and is a direct effect of the faculty's effort on Sahlgrenska Academy Seminars.

Göran Stenman, research group leader at Sahlgrenska Cancer Center, has together with his researchers and in collaboration with Timothy Chan in New York conducted a study about myoepithelial carcinoma, which is a deadly form of Salivary Gland cancer.

The researchers have now for the first time mapped the genetic changes which lie behind the genesis of these tumours and have identified the genes which drives tumour growth. They have also found new clinical important biomarkers, which can be used for making the accurate diagnosis and to see if the patient responds to treatment.

Read further about the research in the research portrait a Akademiliv (Swedish only).