
Patrik Ström, University of Gothenburg presents: RESER cross disciplinary service research and IoT

Patrik Ström of University of Gothenburg presents at the Internet of Things Event: RESER cross disciplinary service research and IoT

Big data, wearable technology, connected devices, cloud-based software: the Internet of Things industry is still rising in a high-speed tempo. Which markets are changed or influenced by the growing IoT? How to secure the cloud? And what developments can we expect in the near future?

On June 2nd the Internet of Things Event will be held at High Tech Campus Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

The event gives insights in the rapidly developing market, in new technologies and in how other businesses apply the new opportunities that are brought by IoT. Attendees can also join the refreshing conversation around the exhibition, where several established companies as well as promising startups will show their innovative products and services.

Professor Patrik Ström of University of Gothenburg will present at the Internet of Things Event: “RESER – cross disciplinary service research and IoT”. Patrik is President, European Association for Research in Services, RESER, and Associate Professor of Economic Geography.

Researchers within The European Association for Research on Services, RESER has during the last 25 years been exploring new advances in the service industry. A broad and cross-disciplinary approach has made it possible to study major developments for firms, regions and nations. IoT is one such area that has attracted research interest with the aim of making global comparisons of this development. The presentation will relate to how studies of IoT are contributing to our understanding of a changing service industry.