Government Offices of Sweden, Stockholm.
Government Offices of Sweden in Stockholm.
Photo: trolvag (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Public Policy and Public Administration

Research group
Active research
Project owner
Department of Political Science

Short description

The research conducted in the field of public policy and public administration involves exploring questions about the ability of elected political bodies such as parliament, municipal, and county councils to govern society effectively. It also delves into the relationships between individual citizens and various authorities, as well as municipal service activities. Additionally, the field involves examining the design, implementation, and outcomes of public reform programs. Finally, it includes studies into the new forms and roles of political governance and "governance" in regions.

Research Areas

  • How do changes in the role of the state, globalization, and new international institutions affect the content of public policy?
  • How does the organization of administration affect the content and outcomes of politics? What opportunities does the state have to collaborate with other actors in governing society and the economy, and what are the consequences of this?
  • What does administrative policy mean for the functioning of democracy and the living conditions of citizens?

The Public Administration and Public Policy Seminar (PAPP)

The Department of Political Science holds a regular series of PAPP Seminars. The seminars are given by the Department’s own staff as well as invited guests.

For more information, please see the calendar on our website

Research Group

Rasmus Broms, Assistant Lecturer

Daniel Carelli, Doctoral Student

Agnes Cornell, Senior Lecturer

Carl Dahlström, Professor

Marcia Grimes, Professor

Victor Lapuente, Professor

Elena Leuschner, Doctoral Student

Simon Gren, Doctoral Student

Birgitta Niklasson, Senior Lecturer

Marina Nistotskaya, Professor

Jon Pierre, Senior Researcher

Helena Stensöta, Professor

Anders Sundell, Senior Lecturer

    The latest publications


    Bauer, M, B. G. Peters, J. .Pierre and K. Yesilkagit (eds) (2022). Democratic Backsliding and Public Administration. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Dahlström, Carl (ed) (2023). Politik som organisation. Seventh edition. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

    Peters, B.G., J. Pierre, J. Torfing and E. Sörensen (2022). A Research Agenda for Governance, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 

    Pierre, Jon och B. Guy Peters (2021). Advanced Introduction to Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

    Book chapters

    Carelli, D., J. Pierre and B. Rönnerstrand (2023). Contested governance of collective action against AMR in the EU. In O. Rubin, E. Baekkeskov and L. Munkholm (eds), Steering Against Superbugs: The Global Governance of Antimicrobial Resistance, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 71-82. 

    Cornell, Agnes, Jørgen Møller and Svend-Erik Skaaning (2023). Political Regimes. In Andrew Denning and Heidi J.S. Tworek (eds), The Interwar World. London: Routledge.

    Dahlström, Carl and Victor Lapuente (2021). Bureaucracy and Quality of Government. In Monika Bauhr, Andreas Bågenholm, Marcia Grimes and Bo Rothstein (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Quality of Government. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Nistotskaya, Marina (2023). Hur incitamentstrukturer påverkar den offentliga sektorn: empiriska belägg och kvarvarande frågor. In Carl Dahlström (ed), Politik som Organisation, 7th edition. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 329–354.

    Nistotskaya, Marina and Palina Kolvani (2023). Bureaucracy. In Maria Grasso and Marco Giuni (eds), Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 26-29.

    Peters, B. G. and J. Pierre (2023). Same, same but different? The expansion of auditing and its consequences for policy evaluation. In F. Varone, S. Jacob and P. Bundi (eds), Handbook of Policy Evaluation, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 93-103. 

    Pierre, J. (2022). Governance models and policy design. In B. G. Peters and G. Fontaine (eds), Research Handbook of Policy Design, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 296-309. 


    Andersen, David and Agnes Cornell (2023). Voting for Bureaucracy? Contestation, Suffrage, and Meritocracy. European Journal of Political Research.

    Broms, Rasmus, Dahlström, Carl, Najar, Jenna and Marina Nistotskaya (2024). COVID-19 Mortality and the Structural Characteristics of Long-Term Care Facilities: Evidence from Sweden, Public Performance & Management Review.

    Broms, Rasmus, Carl Dahlström and Marina Nistotskaya (2023). Provider Ownership and Indicators of Service Quality: Evidence from Swedish Residential Care HomesJournal of Public Administration Research and Theory.

    Carelli, D., E. Mitsouli, J. Ogne and J. Pierre (2023). The Best Laid Plans?: International Governance Perspectives in AMR National Action Plans in Europe. European Journal of Public Health 33:682-686.

    Carelli, D. and J. Pierre (2022). When the cat is away: How institutional autonomy, low salience, and issue complexity shape administrative action. Public Administration. 

    Cornell, Agnes and Marcia Grimes (2023). Brokering bureaucrats: How bureaucrats and civil society facilitate clientelism where parties are weak. Comparative Political Studies.

    Cornell, Agnes and Ted Svensson (2023). Colonial Origins of Modern Bureaucracy? India and the Professionalization of the British Civil Service. Governance.

    Dahlström, Carl and Mikael Holmgren (2023). Loyal Leaders, Affluent Agencies: The Budgetary Implications of Political Appointments in the Executive Branch. Journal of Politics 85(2): 640-653.

    Dahlström, Carl and Victor Lapuente (2022). Comparative Bureaucratic Politics. Annual Review of Political Science 25: 43–63.

    Dahlström, Carl, Mihaly Fazekas, and David E. Lewis (2021). Partisan Procurement. Contracting with the United States Federal Government, 2003-2015. American Journal of Political Science 65(3): 652-669.

    Dahlström, Carl, Erik Lundberg and Kira Pronin (2021). No more political compromise? Swedish commissions of inquiry, 1990-2016. Scandinavian Political Studies.

    D’Arcy, Michelle and Marina Nistotskaya (2022). A Taxing Issue: the Effects of Historical State Capacity on Property Taxes TodayJournal of European Public Policy 29: 687-707.

    Eckhard, Steffen, Vytautas Jankauskas and Elena Leuschner (2023). Institutional design and biases in evaluation reports by international organizations. Public Administration Review.

    Eckhard, Steffen, Vytautas Jankauskas, Elena Leuschner, Ian Burton, Tilman Kerl and Rita Sevastjanova (2023). The performance of international organizations: a new measure and dataset based on computational text analysis of evaluation reportsThe Review of International Organizations.

    Jensen, M. et al. (2023). The Nordic governments’ responses to the Covid-19 pandemic: A comparative study of variation in governance arrangements and regulatory instruments. Regulation & Governance 17:658-76. 

    Lampi, E., D. Carelli, J. Pierre and B. Rönnerstrand (2023). Two Pandemics: The COVID-19 Pandemic´s Impact on Future AMR Collaboration in Europe. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications – Nature 10, Article Number 44.

    Mörth, U. and J. Pierre (2021). Can anyone exercise the law? The discourse and practice of externalizing legal authority. Administration and Society.

    Najar, Jenna, Rasmus Broms, Marina Nistotskaya and Carl Dahlström (2023). Predictors of COVID-19 outcomes among residents of Swedish long-term care facilities – a nationwide study of the year 2020. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 31(6): 456–461.

    Nistotskaya, Marina and Michelle D’Arcy (2023). No taxation without state-assigned property rights: Formalization of individual property rights on land and taxation in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Institutional Economics 19(3): 444-457.

    Pierre, J., D. Carelli and B. G. Peters (2023). The Four Worlds of Politics and Administration: How Institutional Arrangements Shape the Struggle Against Antimicrobial Resistance. Journal of European Public Policy.

    Pierre, J. and J. de Fine Licht (2021). Collaborative Gaming: When principals and agents agree to game the system. Public Administration.

    Peters, B. G. and J. Pierre (2022). Politicization of the Public Service During Democratic Backsliding: Alternative Perspectives. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 81:629-39.

    Rönnerstrand, B., D. Carelli, E. Lampi  and J. Pierre (2022). Leviathan versus the super bugs: Free riding drives support for EU power over antimicrobial resistance. Journal of European Integration 44:1041-57.

    Torfing, J., Peters, B. G., J. Pierre and E. Sörensen (2022). Bringing political science back into public administration research. Governance 35:962-82.    


    Bauer, M., B. G. Peters and J. Pierre (2021). Pathways to administrative resilience: Public bureaucracies ruled by democratic backsliders as a transnational challenge. Policy Analysis paper series no. 2021/03. European University Institute: School of Transnational Governance.

    Broms, Rasmus, Carl Dahlström and Marina Nistotskaya (2021). Provider Ownership and Service Quality: Evidence from Swedish Residential Care Homes. QoG Working Papers Series 2021:7. Gothenburg: The Quality of Government Institute.

    Dahlström, Carl and Johannes Lindvall (2021). Sverige og covid-19-krisen, appendix 4 in the report to the Danish Parliament Håndteringen af covid-19 i foråret 2020. Rapport afgivet af den af Folketingets Udvalg for Forretningsordenen nedsatte udredningsgruppe vedr. håndteringen af covid-19. Folketinget, January 2021.

    Nistotskaya, Marina, Stefan Dahlberg, Carl Dahlström, Aksel Sundström, Sofia Axelsson, Cem Mert Dalli and Natalia Alvarado Pachon (2021). The Quality of Government Expert Survey 2020. (Wave III): Report. QoG Working Papers Series 2021:2. Gothenburg: The Quality of Government Institute.

    Meet two of our professors

    Navigate to video: Victor Lapuente
    Video (01:21)
    Victor Lapuente
    Navigate to video: Marina Nistotskaya
    Video (01:04)
    Marina Nistotskaya