
Tormod Johansen


Juridiska institutionen
Vasagatan 1
41124 Göteborg
Box 650
40530 Göteborg

Universitetslektor, biträdande

Juridiska institutionen
Vasagatan 1
41124 Göteborg
Box 650
40530 Göteborg

Om Tormod Johansen

My research interests are in public law, especially the relationship between constitutional issues and administrative issues. I also have a legal theoretical interest, both in the public law field and in general legal philosophy. I have published in these fields, and also in the field of procedural law.

Together with the research group Law, Society and the Extraordinary (LaSE) I am working in a project on legal competencies in civil and military defence "Rättsliga förutsättningar för samhällsskydd och beredskap" for the period 2020-2025. The group is led by Per Cramér, University of Gothenburg. (financed by MSB)

With three other scholars in law and theology in Gothenburg and Lund I am currently working in an interdisciplinary project – "End of law", for the period 2020-2024. The group is led by Mårten Björk, Lund University. (financed by VR)

As a continuation of the End of law-project I am also a member of the six-year research program "At the End of the World : A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Apocalyptic Imaginary in the Past and Present" (2023-2028), where I investigate underlying dogmata in today’s secular legal theories that are latently concerned with the threat of anarchy in their bases, particularly in the work of Thomas Hobbes.

I teach constitutional law and administrative law at the law programme in Gothenburg, and at other departments at the university. I am course director for Administrative Law HRS265 (advanced level, 15 credits).

I am a member of the coordinative council of Nomos: Centre for International Research for Law, Culture and Power.

Master of Philosophy 2013, Södertörn University

Master of Laws 2013, University of Gothenburg

Doctor of Public law 2019, University of Gothenburg

My doctoral thesis is available at this link and a recording of the public defence is found at this link.

I am a doctoral supervisor for Clara Bergstrand since 2021-, Julia Dahlqvist since 2023-, and Ellen Verde since 2024-.

You can find both academic publications as well as essays and other texts on my personal website. I also send out news about what I have written and other activities through my newsletter to which you are welcome to subscribe.

Research areas

  • Public law
  • Administrative law
  • Constitutional law
  • Philosophy of law
  • Political theology


  • Public law
  • Administrative law
  • Constitutional Law

Selected publications

Krisjuridik: Rättsliga befogenheter från olycka till höjd beredskap (2024, Norstedts juridik)

"Diskriminering när barn placeras i familjehem"Nordisk socialrättslig tidskrift, 97-130, 2020

Förvaltning som verksamhet – bidrag till offentligrättens allmänna lärordoctoral thesis, 2020

Mot ett funktionellt domstolsbegrepp – Ett bidrag med anledning av den så kallade Försvarsunderrättelsedomstolen (del I av II)Johansen, Tormod Otter, Wejedal, SebastianSvensk Juristtidning, 101:2, s. 100-142, 2016