University of Gothenburg
Studenter på innergården i sol

Advertise job vacancies

By registering a company/organization account, you as a company representative can log in and advertise vacancies, internships and degree jobs free of charge to the School's students and recent graduates completely free of charge. The ads are displayed to students and recent graduates who have signed up for the Career Service.

How to create an ad in our career portal

  1. Click here

  2. If you already have an account, log in with your contact information.
  3. Are you a new user? Fill in your e-mail address - then proceed.
  4. Fill in your name and contact information.
  5. Fill in information about the company that publishes the ad.
  6. Then complete the information about the vacancy. It is possible to write in Swedish even if the headings are in English. Be clear in your ad if Swedish is a requirement for the position.
  7. Clear! Your ad is now available to the School's students on the job portal!
Students in the Piazza
Photo: Carina Gran