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COREX: from correlations to explanations

Research project
Active research
Project size
100 million SEK
Project period
2021 - 2027
Project owner
Department of Historical studies

Short description

The study of the past is undergoing a dramatic transformation: researchers in the fields of archaeology, genetics, linguistics, history and archaeometry are blurring the lines delimiting their respective fields, and working in increasingly collaborative efforts to understand how history and prehistory unfolded. Recent debates stress the need for new explanatory models which integrate both micro- and macro-level historical processes, and diverse types of datasets. We approach this challenge by applying novel modelling approaches allowing us to move from correlations to explanations of how changes have been shaped by the dynamic interaction of cultural innovation, migration, admixture, population growth and collapse, landscape transformation, dietary change, biological adaptation, social structure, and the emergence of new diseases.

More about the project

The overall goal of this project is to explain the key processes that formed the genetic and cultural diversity of Europe north of the Mediterranean from the beginning of farming 6000 BCE to the end of the Bronze Age 500 BCE. Through synergies between world-experts in a number of disciplines, we will explore how small-scale processes generate large-scale patterns in genetic and cultural data, and will investigate how the two interact.
We will achieve this by applying novel modelling approaches allowing us to move from correlations to explanations of how changes have been shaped by the dynamic interaction of cultural innovation, migration, admixture, population growth and collapse, dietary change, biological adaptation, social structure, and the emergence of new diseases. To achieve this overall goal the project is built upon four specific aims, which translates into four work packages (WPs): WP1: Database for C14, cultural and subsistence (including isotope) data, ancient genomes, eDNA sites, fossil pollen datasets and strontium samples WP2: Environmental DNA and high resolution local environments, WP3 Exploratory analyses and discriminative models WP4 Generative models and explanations.

Our findings will serve to determine what the impact of the movement of people was on the European landscape, simultaneously on multiple scales: continental, regional and local, providing a research program defying the boundaries of archaeology, genetics and mathematical modelling. 

Schematic of proposed modelling procedure. We will use spatiotemporally-aware models to understand how patterns of human genetic ancestry and climate changes relate to patterns of vegetation type changes during the European Holocene.