University of Gothenburg

The living conditions and quality of life for older LGBTI people

Major surveys show that LGBTI people* experience special challenges in life. However, we lack comprehensive knowledge about the living conditions challenges older lgbti persons experience.

NIKK, Nordic Information on Gender, has been commissioned to collect knowledge about how older LGBTI-persons are met by the public health and care services in the Nordic countries. NIKK is a cooperation body under the Council of Ministers, placed at the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research.

* LGBTI is an abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex

We cooperate with:

Reserachers at Södertörn högskola, in Sweden and the organization FRI, the Nordic council of Ministers, the Nordic Welfare Centre, Public Health Agency of Sweden, Socialstyrelsen in Sweden, Senter for omsorgsforskning in Norway, Bufdir in Norway, LGBTI organisation in the Nordic region.