University of Gothenburg

Gender, work and place

The secretariat takes over the role as editor for a theme issue of Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, TGV, one of the Nordic countries' largest peer-reviewed journals for current interdisciplinary gender research. The theme is gender, work and place.

In order to gain a deeper understanding of working life's gender relations, gender coding/gender labeling of work and place needs to be understood as a unit. The theme issue is based on research at the intersection between gender studies, work science and cultural geography. The content is structured based on a three-part model:

  • studies on local and regional labor markets and their gender relations
  • research with a focus on material and spatial aspects of the organization of work
  • studies on how ideas about place affect employees' daily work

Publication of the magazine's theme issue is planned for spring 2024.

We cooperate with:

Ulrika Jansson, PhD in Working Life Science and analyst at the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, University of Gothenburg, is the editor together with Lena Grip, Associate Professor in Human Geography, Karlstad University. We cooperate with the regular editors and the writers of the theme issue.