University of Gothenburg

Nolan Conference 2017

The Nordic Latin American Research Network (NOLAN) organized its 9th Conference in 2017, hosted by the School of Global Studies. The theme was 'Latin American Challenges in the 21st Century: Societies in Motion' (Desafíos latinoamericanos en el siglo XXI: Sociedades en movimiento).

About the Conference

Social, cultural, economic, political and natural phenomena in Latin America are increasingly challenging established frontiers. They cross national borders, but also a number of other physical, cultural and other frontiers. As the rest of the world, Latin America is embedded in global challenges and affected by war conflicts, the threat of terrorism, massive waves of migration and difficulties to deal with the consequences of climate change.

However, Latin America shows nuances in these concerns that we want to focus on. Through the choice of themes and key note speakers, the conference aimed to contribute to shed light on the complex processes of on-going transformation in the region, placing them in their historical background, and discovering their multiple expressions and implications.

This conference housed workshops organised by the more than 20 years old Nordic Network on Women and Gender Research in Latin America (Haina) that covered the gender thematic running through all disciplines, and the European Network of Information and Documentation on Latin America, REDIAL, held its 28th annual meeting and conference.

Thematic Areas

  • Saberes y conocimientos / Knowledges & knowledge production
  • Género / Gender
  • Migración / Migration
  • Modelos de desarrollo / Development Models
  • Relaciones Internacionales / International Relations
  • Cuerpos y subjetividades / Bodies and subjectivities
  • Political and economic transitions
  • Posters of Resources and Communication

Key Note Speakers 

Rita Laura Segato, Professor of Anthropology and Bioethics, UNESCO Chair at the University of Brasilia (Brazil).

Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at UMSA (La Paz, Bolivia) and Visiting Professor at Columbia University (New York).

Lorenzo Meyer, Professor Emeritus of International Relations, Colegio de México and Visiting Professor in Latin American History and Journalism at the University of Stanford and the University of Texas Austin, among others.

NOLAN in Social Media
