
Masteruppsats på 2:a plats i internationell uppsatstävling


Anna Sellén Runefjell kom på 2:a plats i en internationell uppsatstävling med sin masteruppsats om Eco-turism.

Priset “Philippe de Woot Award” delas ut av Antwerpen Management School till de tre bästa masteruppsatserna som berör ämnet Corporate Social Responsibility

Juryns motivering:

"From the five finalists selected by the Academic Jury out of 63 submissions, the thesis of Anna Sellén Runefjell on Eco-Tourism was selected as second best ex aequo by the members of the Stakeholder Jury which gave high consideration to:
- Her original approach towards better informed and responsible behavior of tourists, by tapping into their emotional intelligence and appetite to learn from citizens consuming leisure and nature during their holiday;
- The pertinence of her work in the context of a booming sector with millions of new tourists coming into the “market” of holidays and leisure, that will have high impact on social local communities and our environment.”

Uppsatsen skrevs inom ramen för Master of Science in Marketing and Consumption på Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet. Handledaren var Lena Hansson. Läs hela uppsatsen: ”Eco-Tourists and the Learning-Scape: Consumers’ Learning Experience at an Eco-Lodge in Australia”