Mycklemossen - mire
The aim of the sub site Mycklemossen is to promote biogeochemical/physiology mire ecosystem studies in relation to global change, process modelling and remote sensing.
Mycklemossen is a pristine peatland (mire) - a poor fen with bog characteristics in its vegetation and having shrub encroachment. It is one of few mire sites where one can determine the Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance (NECB).
At the mire, land-atmosphere, stream chemistry and stream-atmosphere studies are ongoing, allowing determination of the Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance (NECB).
Net emissions of Greenhouse gases GHG (CO2, CH4, H2O), water discharge and chemistry and supporting meteorological/biotic measurements (ICOS level 2 standard).

The site has electric power, fibre optic internet connection, boardwalks. There are two masts, one for eddy covariance measurements (3 m height) and a 9 m mast for profile measurements of greenhouse gases and spectral studies.