
Evaluation of SIDA’s efforts to reduce corruption in partner countries

Avslutad forskning
Projektets storlek
2 000 000
2023 - 2023
Statsvetenskapliga institutionen

Kort beskrivning

Sweden is one of the largest development aid donors in the world. Every year, Sweden dedicates financial resources to the tune of 1% of its GDP to the aim of ensuring that people living in poverty and oppression have the ability to improve their living conditions (Government Offices of Sweden 2016: 4). Unfortunately, countries where many people live in poverty and oppression are also those which face high levels of corruption, which is a formidable obstacle to human welfare and well-being (Holmberg & Rothstein 2011, Halleröd et al 2013). During the last decade, Swedish efforts to combat corruption in partner countries have evolved both in scope and sophistication, as evidenced, for example, by an increase in the resources allocated to direct and indirect anti-corruption interventions and by the adoption of a more holistic approach to the pursuit of anti-corruption goals (Sida 2020a). Yet, our knowledge as regards the efficiency of these efforts remains limited. This evaluation seeks to answer the question: “How successful are Swedish efforts to combat corruption as a hindrance to development in partner countries?”