
QoG lunchseminarium med Jan Teorell och Per Andersson

Samhälle & ekonomi

It’s the state, stupid! Explaining democratic erosion in the 21st century.

12 dec 2023
12:00 - 13:00
Stora Skansen (room B336), Sprängkullsgatan 19

Jan Teorell, Professor of Political Science at the University of Stockholm and Per Andersson, Postdoc, at the University of Stockholm
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QoG-institutet arrangerar regelbundet seminarier på temat samhällsstyrningens kvalitet samt korruptionens orsaker och konsekvenser.

Alla seminarier hålls på engelska om inte annat annonseras.
The Quality of Government Institute (QoG)

AbstractAfter three waves of democratization since the 19th century, the world has over the course of the last decade, according to most observers, undergone a process of democratic erosion (aka ''backsliding''). While numerous theories have been proposed for what explains this recent trend -- ranging from financial crises, declining popular support for democracy and growing socio-economic inequality, to the rise of China and an ''authoritarian international'' -- surprisingly few attempts have actually been made to put these proposals to the test. This is the purpose of this paper. Out of a large set of suspected causes that can be divined from the extant literature and tested in cross-country regressions, we only find evidence for two statistically significant predictors of democratic decline between 2012--2022: country size and corruption. Whereas the former does not offer much of an explanation in itself, the latter is robust to a host of controls and alternative measurement. Our interpretation is that the main driver of democratic erosion in the 21st century is a performance crisis of the modern state.