
Ingrid Henriksson

Senior Lecturer

Department of Health and
Visiting address
Medicinargatan 8 b, plan 6
41390 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 452
40530 Göteborg

About Ingrid Henriksson

Present employment

Since 2002 employed as teacher in speech and language pathology at Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Department of Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation, Division of Speech and Language Pathology at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. My clinical work, lecturing and research are within the field of aphasia and communication disorders related to brain damage. Graduated and worked as a speech pathologist from 1986.

Teaching interests

Lecture in acquired language disorders and supervise master’s theses.

Research interests

PhD thesis (finished in Jan, 2009): Aphasia and the Challenge of Writing. I am interested in the writing process and the project aimed to analyse text writing sub processes during the writing activity. For the collection and analyses of written data, key-stroke logging has been used. A group of persons with no earlier experiences of aphasia rated written and spoken stories and results were compared. The project also had an intervention study where participants with aphasia have used computerised writing aids.

Read more about Ingrid Behrns' research project Aphasia and the process of writing

Other resarch interests: Guidelines for using audio- and videorecordings in higher education. Ethical and educational aspects.