Interventions- och implementeringsforskargruppen
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The research group of intervention and implementation (IIF)

Research group

Short description

The research group of IIF is focusing on intervention and implementation. We are a multi-disciplinary research group consisting of about 30 senior scientists and junior scientists from different universities. Our research group have a long experience in this particular research area. The focus for this research group is interventions and implementations in practice.

In our research, we are working towards a greater understanding of how changes are taking place, can be developed, and how they affect those who are participating, and what kind of effects the efforts have on an individual level, on a group level, and on a structural level.

Our research - it's about collaboration

In our research, we work towards an increased understanding of how change work is conducted and can be developed. How are those involved affected and what effects do the efforts have at individual-, group- and societal level?

The research group strives for an exchange of knowledge as well as close collaboration with both the scientific community and practice. Current research projects involve collaboration both nationally and internationally.

Feel free to contact us if you want to know more or discuss a possible future collaboration!


The researchers' latest scientific publications can be found in the University of Gothenburg's publication database (GUP)